Sunday 31 December 2023
Sláine - Warriors of the Earth tribes
Friday 1 December 2023
BOYL exclusive Merc and Necromunda Spyrer Matriarch
So I've started a lot of projects lately and obviously, before starting them I decided to start yet another ! Now in my defense, it was also to close another, which was painting all my BOYL exclusives ! Worth taking the time right ?
And the last model on the list was this fantastic space merc captain by none other than Bob Naismith. And it was in my top tier even before painting it!
Now I knew from the start I didn't want this guy to be a stand alone and I had greater plans for him. He obviously has everything you want a space pirate to be so I thought I needed a model to be along him in a Captain/First mate relation for Stargrave. Then I saw that old Necromunda Spyrer matriarch and thought they were the perfect macth, both looking old, one burly and the other quite skinny, one sharp and the other blunt, they were perfect.
Friday 17 November 2023
BOYL exclusive Navigator
Hey all ! Next in my quest to get all the BOYL exclusive models painted : The Navigator, this one is a bit special since it's the latest one (at the time of writing) from BOYL 2023 but it's a first in BOYL history since it 's the first multipart model !
This one has been sculpted by Time Prow and follows the pattern of switching from fantasy to sci-fi and the other way round every year.
Thursday 16 November 2023
BOYL exclusive Necromancer by Bob Olley
Tuesday 31 October 2023
#dressawilly the painting challenge from TheStillTower !
Hey all ! With the end or Orctober, I wanted to take the opportunity to post these guys which have a bit of relevance with the topic. A while ago, thestilltower (check his Instagram HERE) launched a painting challenge around a dolly he made of Willy... which participants had to dress, hence #dressawilly, get it ?
Monday 30 October 2023
Orktober : Snotlings and Warp energy !
Hey all ! Like every year this time it's ORKTOBER ! Like a way to soothe me from addin another earth rotation to the count, it's the occasion to get more greenskins done !
This year I knew exactly the kind of models I wanted, I still have plenty for the orks but I had a LOT of snotlings and a Shock Attack Gun so those would be entries for sure. Now since I was painting a shock attack gun, I HAD TO paint the pulsa Rocket too since it works on warp energy as well, which also meant I somehow had to paint runtbots, because I'm a nice runtherd who wants to protect his flock.
Friday 13 October 2023
Turnip28 Battle reports from the Octogône
Friday 8 September 2023
Stargrave family party
Thursday 31 August 2023
2nd edition Marine for the #90smarinechallenge
So if you're keeping track of what happens on Instagram, you might have heard of Darren Latham's painting challenge #90smarinechallenge which requires participants to paint a plastic 2nd edition marine from the starter box.
I found this would be the perfect occasion to add yet another Scythe to the chapter so knowing full well I wasn't gonna paint the nicest, I had to at least pick THE BEST chapter there is : the Scythes of teh Emperor (no question).
Monday 24 July 2023
Chaos Cultists (an unhealthy number of) - Blackstone Fortress and Dark Vengeance
Wednesday 5 July 2023
Chaos Dreadfiler
But I'm firmly keeping my pace on unfinished paintjobs and I had decided this one was next !
Tuesday 27 June 2023
Traitor Command - Blackstone Fortress
Monday 19 June 2023
Spider Swarm - Endless Spell form the Gloomspite Gitz
Extremely quick one today, I just found this Gloomspite Gitz endless spell in my stash a while ago after getting it second hand at the FLGS, don't ask me why I decided to paint it now but I just grabbed a can of spray, primed it and after a few drybrushes, washes and details, decided it was good.
I'll make sure to have a scenario in a game featuring that wave of spiders as a threat for characters, or I can just make it a band member in Stargrave and why not a Xenos captain ? WHY NOT ?
Anyway, that's one in the bank, happy painting y'all !
Thursday 15 June 2023
Ratmen by Maraud Miniatures
Monday 12 June 2023
Return to Bogenhafen and road to the Giants' kingdom !
The following events loosely follow some elements from the imperial campaign, the ennemy within and all, if those elements seems familiar, here's the reason, I have never played or read those scenarios though so spoiler alert !
Thursday 8 June 2023
The explorator by 28
Thursday 1 June 2023
The Silver Bayonet - The French Unit
BUT, it turns out it only takes a couple of vampires, werewolves and ghouls in the mix to make it perfectly OK. That's where Silver Bayonet comes in. Having had a good dose of Stargrave lately, I'm very much into Joe McCullough's games at the moment and when my partners in crime started eying towards it I took the opportunity of a sale on my gaming shop's site to get a unit of french people because any chance I get to justify my poor accent in gaming is good for me.
Tuesday 30 May 2023
Fogou Mud Brickstarter 2
Friday 12 May 2023
Ripper Jacks and Bug Maggots
Hey there, quick one today ! My recent Stargrave campaign has hugely motivated me to get some more terrain and critters painted and since its spring I'm also trying to clear the desk from all the models who've been sittig there for too long, amongst which some alien bugsi've had since I got the Stargrave rulebook..
Wednesday 3 May 2023
Roboknop - Bounty Hunter
Tuesday 2 May 2023
Fogou Stone Ruins
Wednesday 26 April 2023
Imitation of Life Bunker Doors
Hey all, quick one ths time, I was lucky to get one of those printed by a friend and finally took the opportunity to paint it !
Those are printed from STL's from the most excellent Imitation of Life you can follow on Facebook or even on Patreon. His stuff is amazing and makes me want to get a 3D printer even just for his stuff (matter of when rather than if). So amongst some cool prints I picked those two because I reckon I could knock them off pretty rapidly.
Tuesday 18 April 2023
Stargrave Campaign - The Unreal engine
Tuesday 11 April 2023
Colony87 Starport Ogre Crew
Thursday 6 April 2023
Rogue Trader Mercenaries and Pirates
Hey all, so I have a Stargrave campaign coming so it was time to dust off the band I had designed for the game some time ago. Looking at the troop choices, I realised I didn't have much choice in terms of weapons so sinc everyone else was painting their bands, I felt compeled to painting some more. Since the whole crew was built on Rogue Trader classics, I had little choice but to exapand with other Rogue Trader classics. So I decided to scratch an old itch and get some mercenaries and pirates done, giving me more carbines and big guns to pick from (I'd still only be able to pick 10 anyway)
Monday 27 February 2023
Troll by Maraud Miniatures
Saturday 25 February 2023
Dark Goblins by Maraud Miniatures
Hey all, I'm quite chuffed to show you these now. A while ago, I was visiting my FLGS like usual when one of the owners took me aside and said he had stuff I might want to see. Now this is the kind of encounter I was taught to avoid but in a hobby store, all rules stay out at the door.
It turns out he was sculpting a new range of fantasy miniatures inspired and flavoured with all the nice references we love.
The models were built on concept art by my mate Adrien AKA Jean Peinture (follow both his Instagram and amazing blog)
and sculpted by the most excellent Alexandre Vallet, 2 hobby friends I have a huge fondness and respect for on top of being lovable human beings.
Tuesday 21 February 2023
Stargrave Loot Tokens
Tuesday 7 February 2023
Goff Rockers - The Mörkley Krëw
Tuesday 31 January 2023
Ork Boss on Giant Squig and unreleased ork casualty
Hey all ! You folks know there's never a bad time to paint orks right ? So I've decided that it was Orknuary and I'd be painting orks. Actually, I was triggered by the release of the new Goff Rocker but more on that soon...
Tuesday 10 January 2023
Giant servo-skull
Hey all ! I was looking at the Stargrave rulebook the other day, thinking of what specific encounters would suit each scenario until I figured out I needed a giant skull robot in my life to guard data vaults, terrorise adventurers or just pose and look cool. As you do.