Thursday 19 May 2022

Ork Nobz in 'Eavy Armour (Or Mega-armour or whatever)

Nobz are the bestest boyz of any waaagh, they're big, mean and are probably the closest thing you can find in ork culture to a concept of reliability.
That's why any good benevolent ork boss would want them protected in the best armour possible. It's also why the meanest malevolent ork boss would want those in the best armour possible.

Monday 16 May 2022

Rogue Trader Space Marines -Scythes of the Emperor

Hey everyone ! We have something that takes back a bit today with reinforcements for my scythes of the Emperor ! You might recall I had painted all the terminator variants I could need for Space Hulk and had found some closure in that although I could have painted some scouts...
Well looks like the scouts are a little late and I painted 10 marines and a Dreadnought instead !
I have a huge interest in Space HUlk at the moment because I have the oal to play it with the kids soon so I'd rather have options.
Painting beakies might also be my contradictive response to the release of  (and I'm not a Horus Heresy fan) the new Horus Heresy boxset with all sort sof cool models.
ANYWAY, painted models are good models right ?

Monday 2 May 2022

Röknauts Space Dwarves

Hey everyone ! I was lucky to get my hands on a set of Ontos Games Röknauts lately as their Kickstarter is running ! The project has funded in 5 minutes without a surprise !
Now I have a fondness for all the fun niche bits of the 40k verse like every other fan and Curis has poured a tremendous amount of love into making some of these concepts tangible with his own take on the subject.
The models really capture what I like the most about dwarf models, they're small but BIG, if youv'e ever painted a dwarf model face, you know what I mean, dwarf weapons, dwarf beards are such funs, noone wants to paint knees or elbows, dwarves just keep all the good parts and make them bigger while getting rid of the lame ones.
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