Monday 26 February 2018

The stripper - Everyday life of an oldhammerer

See that imperial look, that nobility and the high standard of moral values Karl Franz embodies ? Of course you don't. Nothing here to see but inch think layers of hard enamels and gruesome gore effects... URGH...

But hey ! What's the matter, all we need is a good seesion at the strip club. We'll show those enamels (with Vincent Price's voice) the evil of the strrripper !

Now it had been a while since I last had a model so poorly painted to strip. Like 5 years ago actually. I'm going to show some models I've stripped before, just to attest (did I need to prove anything ?) that I'm not exactly new in stripping town.

Sunday 25 February 2018

Warhammer underwolds Shadespire - Garrek's Reavers

It took me a while after Steelheart's champions but I finally managed to paint the second half of my box of Shadespire !
To be honest, this is the first time I paint all the models from a single box so that's quite an achievement ticked !
Just like for the Stormcast, painting the Reavers proved to be quite more challenging than expected due to my muscle memory being entirely focused on painting old lead.

Monday 19 February 2018

Eric Raucher the squat - Old School miniatures

I suppose it's hard to let squats go so I recently got another one from Old School Miniatures. Now Jamie over at Oldschool Miniatures has commissioned the ever talented John Pickford to sculpt a model of the company's mascot Eric.

Sunday 18 February 2018

The 8 horsemen of the Apocalypse - Chaos renegade riders

OK, let's start with the appropriate soundtrack shall we ? The 8 Horsemen of the Apocalypse deserve as much. ^^

Ok now, following my plans to have a sizeable chaos renegade army for Rogue Trader this year, I've taken some old models from the shelves. WHen I say old, I don't only mean the model themselves are old but the conversion are too !
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