Monday 19 March 2018

March of the titans ! - Imperial warlord titan

So this is March, month of Mars, like in the God. So what better month to paint titans ? None, that's right.
Now I've had the will to paint in a different scale for quite a while but like all the good plans and bright ideas, I've always postponed it because of better newer projects.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Rogue trader Keeper of secrets

Soooooo, still working on my "tale of several gamers" entry for March, I've managed to paint something easier. Since We're supposed to paint 400pts a month and I have painted 1100 in 2 I thought I could use the spare points and make March an easier month with about 250 pts worth of Demonic lust. ^^

Sunday 4 March 2018

Lady Woodgin - Slaanesh Cult Dominatrix

Hey, you might remember the six sinners from earlier, well; I've been meaning to upgrade the team from quite some time now but was looking at how to do it right. The arrival of the new Necromunda was the right trigger for this for 2 reasons :
- The magnificent Escher models in the box
- The upcoming chaos cult list in WD.
Oh yes, chaos cults in the underhive, that's how groovy it's going to get.

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