Tuesday 17 March 2020

Baby Yoda (spoiler free)

Ok folks, hope you're all enjoying the quarantine or enjoying your time before you get into qurantine as well !
Just a quick one today, my friend Michael (that generous prick) has printed plenty of cool stuff for us lately and amongst themany things he's helped us with, he 's thrown a little baby yoda he had found on Thingiverse. Now if you're any real g33k you must have watched the Mandalorian by now, if you haven't yet I won't spoil anything (or much, baby Yoda is a spoiler in itself after all) but really you should treat yourself with the most decent piece of Star wars in decades, loved it.

Now the sculpt is a bit soulless and probably doesn't channel the same insane amount of cuteness as the original character does but y'know, it's baby yoda and I bet I'd be more than glad to have some bounty hunters retrieve it and fight for it in a game so all in all with the pretty rapid PJ I think it was a worthy way to spend time and have that item checked off.

Friday 13 March 2020

Chaos Ogryn !

Quick one this time, my buddy Pete had the kindness to hand me one of those chaos ogryns he got sculpted by Jason from Thunderchild Miniatures so it kinda had to jump on top of the paint queue !

Monday 2 March 2020

Shadows under Bogenhaced - Immortal... Immortal !

Last WE was one of those a few friends and I had been eagerly waiting for over the past year. We had the chance to have a rather long gaming WE (starting on Tuesday evening till sunday morning).
The game played was a Warhammer Fantasy Role Play (WHFRP) scenario, part of a broader campaign, this was my first game in this campaign while other players had already quite a few games under the belt but there was absolutely no way I could let this opportunity go to play with great people with excellent models on the most fascinating table I've seen !

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