Thursday 23 October 2014

Space Ork Raiders - Final entry for Orctober 2 !

So here we are ! Less than a month after the launch of Orctober, my entry is ready for some action !

As you may have recognised them, I've settled for some Space ork raiders this year. Last year my entry consisted of some orks from the second release of Rogue trader that went along Waaaagh the orks. The reading of this classic piece of background for all self-respecting future greenskin had really inspired me and somehow made me far more interested in them than I ever had before. It somehow sealed a sort of tradition that though I'd never truly collect orcs or orks, I would take the opportunity to paint some once a year.

And that time of year had come again !

Last year's entry was heavily influenced by the look of Warhammer 40 2nd edition and its red predominance.

This year, I wanted to get back a little farther in time to the early days of Rogue trader. What better range of orks than the original Space ork raiders !

Monday 20 October 2014

The Helpful Hobby Guide - How to store models ?

We hobbyists all have one thing in common, no matter what game or range we use, no matter if we're painters, collectors or gamers mostly. STORAGE. That's right storage. This hobby has an unavoidable problem : it takes space. The more models you collect, the more you paint, you will have to put them somewhere... every time you finish a model you can hear it, that is the sound of inevitability Mr Anderson...

So what I'm offering today is my take on the subject. It's probably not the best solution ever and there are many ways to solve the problem but this is the one I found and have used for 10 years now.

"I'm super excited, how do I do that ?" I hear you say. Alright, alright, here's my recipe. (Just bear in mind that all measures will be in metric system and currencies in euros, but I promise it won't matter much really since all of you wonderful people are super good with google).

Wednesday 15 October 2014

The Journey of a necromancer...

Let's start with a fitting soundtrack

Times are hard for a poor old necromancer... 
The battle of the maisontaal abbey... what a waste... what a shame...

Heinrich Kemler has recently heard about the return of Nagash and the coming end of times. Maybe he can still find a little place in this world, maybe he can regain some of his past glory...

It's time to move on if you want to take your piece of the pie...

Saturday 4 October 2014

Stranger in a strange land - The give-away prize

Please let me suggest you some music to go with the post to come :

You're fine? Good, let's begin then.

You may remember, I organized a little give-away to celebrate my 100th follower?, Well you may also remember that Warlord Paul won it. The little challenge associated with this event was really simple, everyone who felt like participating only had to pick one model amongst those I submitted and give 2 flavours to go along.

And here is the result !

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Orctober the second.

I have been waiting for this, I have been preparing for this. I knew it was to come . Unless you have read the title of this post, you may be wondering about what I am talking about. Well, the answer is easy : Orctober.

I have participated in last year's orctober and I have to admit it has been kind of a revelation for me. 

Erny "oldhammer superstar" from the most excellent Erny's place has launched that event that year and brings it back to us this year and it shall be one hell of an event !
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