Friday, 11 December 2020
Confrontation Blood Angel
Monday, 7 December 2020
Nurgle Plague Marines
Greetings all ! As you've probably guessed from the header and title, well I'm still pretty deep into chaos renegades and thought I'd channel my current mojo into getting some of the core troops done !
I've been considering the Nurgle boys for a long time since I had an idea of how to I wanted them to be.
Thursday, 26 November 2020
Chaos Terminator Lord
Alright everyone, now amongst this very unexpected but enjoyable chaotic derailing of my painting queue, there has been an unexpected but enjoyable disturbance (it wouldn't be fun otherwise).
My friends Grove and Crooks were just posting awesome WIP pics of chaos champions up to the post where the urge to build myself one was unbearable.
Friday, 20 November 2020
Chaos Traitor Techmarines
So little time ago, I felt the urge to get rid of a robot conversion that had been wandering on my table for waaaay too long. Little time after that , That damned Nico came up with some amazing renegade conversions that left me unable not to get back onto my own renegades.
Thing is, I've had a group of techmarines planned for a while for this arm force (not doing an army) since I have plenty of vehicles and some more troops requiring some.
Thursday, 19 November 2020
Ymgarl genestealer
Now of course you probably know how I like to take the most obscure angle on a concept so when I got the chance to get my hands on an Ymgral Genestealer fan sculpt, well there was no real thinking process, just an instant urge to paint one !
Wednesday, 11 November 2020
Chaos Corrupted Colossus Robot
Robots are extremely cool period. Chaos is extremely cool as well period. Now Chaos robots are bound to be just super duper cool right ? Well they are.
Picture from Solegends | |
Now of course, the Colossus is extremely familiar to those who love the ABC warriors and their leader Hammerstein with his trademark hammer for hand :
Thing is though, I somehow lost tha hammer hand. And it looks silly let's face it, no elbow or anything ? Really ?
Anyway I need my robot to feel corrupted so I tought some organic arm sprouting out of its shoulder would look cool and somehow reminiscent of something I LOVE (like Gooseflesh inducingly good :
So that's what I came up with :
The bloter is a modern era version for the simple reason I didn't have any other togive him, I felt like connecting teh weapon to the frame with a sick organic intestin would convey the sense of fresh corruption I was after :
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
Creepy crawlers - More squigs for the waaagh !
Alright all ! I know Orctober is behind us but you know, the love is still here and strong and for some reason I just really felt like painting those 3 guys. I had got my hand on them after painting the first batch but they came up right at the time I needed some painting fresh air.
Monday, 2 November 2020
Fogou Adobe/mudbrick buldings
Hey everyone, so this is a celebration post since I've finally managed to paint my whole Fogou Brickstarter pledge !
This was mostly done during our first lockdown but I somehow got lost in finsihing the very last details, leaving those beauties unfinsihed for way too long ! (quite fun to have it done just as our second lockdown starts)
Saturday, 31 October 2020
Night Horror Vampyre
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
6mm shanties and scenery by The Lazy Forger
I've been painting epic for less than 2 years now and I've been thinking a lot about making a table since our first lockdown, wondering what sort of vibe I wanted for it or not.
Monday, 26 October 2020
The Nuln Spearman - Tribute
So after painting one the rarest ork in the world (Tribute), I could only try and paint some even rarer model and what more iconic and elusive model than the nuln spearman ?
You've probably heard about it and know its legendary status as the simplest and yet most unachievable models to come by.
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Braglub, The rarest ork in the world - Tribute
Long time ago, me and my brother Burgers, we was hitchhiking down a long and lonesome road...
Now you are probably aware that there are some models out there that reach absurd levels of fame and price because of their rarity. Amongst those, you can find Braglub. You know Braglub right ?
Picture from Solegends |
Monday, 19 October 2020
Great Orc mercenary - Happy Orctober !
Alright it's been half the month already and I'm only having an entry for orctober done now !
To be honest, after being very orc neutral for years I tend to jump on any occasion to paint some now and after being offered this fine fella by Jamies from Old school miniatures I knew he had to join my band of mercenaries, just look at the swag of him !
Monday, 7 September 2020
Necromancers - Legions of Nagash
Hey everyone, so little side step here as I took the opportunity to join a group challenge and clear the desk a little !
When Warcry was released, I didn't feel like starting a fresh new band and the ones that I fancied weren't released yet so I thought the smart thing to do was to build on top of my sepulchral guard, I just needed a necromancer (quickly bought and built) and a few more skeletons (quickly built from kits I had around) and that was the promise of great things. Fast forward a few months, world pandemic and all the stuff you know and I hadn't touched any of my additions when Sho3box offered a joint challenge for us to each paint a couple of wizard/apprentice in anticipation of Frostgrave Season 2.
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Astropolis Robots
Thursday, 30 July 2020
Zombie slayer or... zombie slayer ?
Well dwarves are cool, slayers doubly so and zombies on top ? Say no more, this guy (sort of) quickly moved to the top of the queue.
It's a really cool sculpt from Juan Montano, full of oldschool charm, that paints really well.
Wednesday, 29 July 2020
Rogue trader Lord of change
Alright so a few days ago, one of my fellow hobbyists Mus submitted amongst plenty other things that we do a little group challenge and each paint a greater demon.
Tuesday, 28 July 2020
Miniatures without borders !

Hey everyone,
I would like to talk about something dear to me this time. I've ben lucky to be part of a group of hobbyists who've decided to give a little something back to those who need it.
A big raffle has been created with great names each giving a prize (just look at the names in the link or look at the models of the mysterious donors and you'll understand ^^) and I happen to have humbly given something as well
You can check this video to see what I mean :
The aim is to gather money for doctors without borders (médecins sans frontières) as a token of gratitude and to push things the right way because every drop can form an ocean.

I cannot stress the importance to make our hobby part of teh solution enough so by all means, have a look and surely you'll be able to spare a few coins (imagine you're not spending that on a kit that will spend its life unpainted in a drawer) and hopefully win some fantastic piece in return while helping in the right direction !
Monday, 22 June 2020
The Necroferrum Zone
Monday, 18 May 2020
Warlord titans - Epic!
Monday, 20 April 2020
Imperial Reavers Titans - Epic
Wednesday, 8 April 2020
Death Eagles - Scythes of the Emperor
OK so recently I've had a huge interest because of my friend Curis's excellent marines and the relase of the 5th chapter of Astartes, now that meant I had an itch to paint some and the only way to scratch was to do these 2 Death eagles kindly donated by my friend Adrien.
Friday, 3 April 2020
Empire mercenary band - Mordheim
Tuesday, 17 March 2020
Baby Yoda (spoiler free)
Just a quick one today, my friend Michael (that generous prick) has printed plenty of cool stuff for us lately and amongst themany things he's helped us with, he 's thrown a little baby yoda he had found on Thingiverse. Now if you're any real g33k you must have watched the Mandalorian by now, if you haven't yet I won't spoil anything (or much, baby Yoda is a spoiler in itself after all) but really you should treat yourself with the most decent piece of Star wars in decades, loved it.
Now the sculpt is a bit soulless and probably doesn't channel the same insane amount of cuteness as the original character does but y'know, it's baby yoda and I bet I'd be more than glad to have some bounty hunters retrieve it and fight for it in a game so all in all with the pretty rapid PJ I think it was a worthy way to spend time and have that item checked off.
Friday, 13 March 2020
Chaos Ogryn !
Monday, 2 March 2020
Shadows under Bogenhaced - Immortal... Immortal !
The game played was a Warhammer Fantasy Role Play (WHFRP) scenario, part of a broader campaign, this was my first game in this campaign while other players had already quite a few games under the belt but there was absolutely no way I could let this opportunity go to play with great people with excellent models on the most fascinating table I've seen !