Monday, 27 January 2025

Road to Lustria - The Bogenhafen Saga

So I had the chance to resume our ongoing warhammer fantasy roleplay campaign a couple of weeks ago. I had been waiting eagerly for this since my character, Gregor Mc Connor, a former pit fighter turned judiciary champion was now quite experienced and there were a few matters still on hold

If you want to catch up with previous episodes, you can do so in the following links, it is quite a long read now but it's proven to be a very helpful guide to us players (and even our GM) before new games.

The first episode is HERE

Second episode is HERE

Third episode is HERE

Arabian fighters by Lafig miniatures


Hey everyone, first post of the year so wishing you all the best for 2025 ! I've been quite busy, with house works and even some hobby but the list of painted and unblogged models is getting out of hands so here's the first project for you ! Lafig Miniatures is realeasing a brand new ambitious project of a skirmish game and the first band for this game are Sheik Hait-Malaif’s Sandcrawlers which will be available soon on Kickstarter HERE.
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