Monday 30 September 2024

Fantasy adventurer scout


Hey all, a quick and easy one this time, just a palette cleanser to remind me howfun and pleasant those old citadel models are, after painting bulks or big models, this one felt so refreshing !

Thursday 26 September 2024

Trench Crusade - Trench pilgrims

Hey all, at the start of a new school year, it was time to start (yet) another project and one had my interest for a while since the launch of the first Kickstarter actually. 
I'm not a fan of historical gaming but throw a bit of fantasy or horror with a zest of Uchronia and it immediately starts to look sexier to me.

Monday 5 August 2024

Röknauts Revolution - Bikers and new units


Hey everyone, hope summer is going well (if a little warm for those in the northern hemisphere), I'm only just on holidays with house works stalling (including the long awaited gaming room) but I've had the delightful surprise to be offered a set of Ontos Röknauts after painting the first set a couple of years ago.

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Middle-Earth Goblin warriors and a lost robot


Just to take a little break from my 54mm projects and as a speed painting test, I've assembled 18 goblin warriors from the Hobbit range to see if I could paint them in a single sitting and hence have feral creatures to use in pretty much any setting I want.

Saturday 13 July 2024

Inq et nunc - Demon huntress Tanjira

So following the completion of my first full Inquisitor band not long ago, I jumped on the next right away ! For some reason, I've decided my bands would have a leader and 2 acolytes plus a familiar so I started the new band with the leader once again and after a little thinking, I've decided the demonhunter would be the next leader.

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Inq et nunc - Inquisitor Wendig's acolytes


Hey everyone !

So following the release of my first 54mm inquisitor, I wanted to do his retinue soon after. With a good bucnh of models to pick from, I had to think about the kind of band I wanted this one to be.
I see Joos Wendig as a rather fresh puritan kind of Inquisitor, sort of "by the book" agent but not too broken to make him an overrigid psychopath (yet) so I wanted him to still rely on his organisation and hence have a more military/organised look.
So I picked a couple of models that had similar parts (like the quilted parts) and decided to give a coherent colour scheme.

Monday 3 June 2024

Rogue Trader Scouts


Hey everyone ! This is one of those days when I can proudly say I've completed a project ! If you scroll back in time to 2019, I painted a force of terminators for Space HulkI painted a force of terminators for Space Hulk.
Reading this and looking at the powerful illustrations, you know the scouts were just waiting to happen ! Well 5 years later they did ! 

See how the scouts proudly feature along their heavy armoured brothers !

Friday 31 May 2024

Wasteman Globe Strider


Hey all ! 
So painting bigger models got me to look at some lonely model which had been standing for ages on the desk. This Globe StriderGlobe Strider is one of Jaycee Fairclough's insane creations for Wasteman.
I love Jaycee's style, having painted quite a few of her models now. The style is nervous, straight to the point, sometimes a little rough but if approached from the right angle, makes fun models that can be painted in no time.
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