Tuesday 7 May 2019

Terminator inquisitor - Space Hulk

So last time was about a team of Scythes of the Emperor to play Space Hulk right ? And they were just 9 ? Yeah, I'm a simple man and I like simple things so 10 men was always the idea. ^^
I wanted to have a special character though, even it it probably meant I'd be playing it as a regular guy but you don't get the occasion to make a bunch of terminators every day so better make the best of any occasion.

I picked this guy because I had built him some time ago and found him cool (Jes Goodwin models are cool, period).

There were 2 terminator inquisitors, one from the Ordo Malleus and the other more generic, of course, young me didn't give much of a thing about all that and gave ththe goatee one the arms he felt cool. Old me is fine with that. Mostly.

For the painting, I knew I wanted something elegant and a bit different from what I do and something that would differentiate enough from the other troopers.

I think despite all that he looks cool with the others by his side. I have to say I was utterly gutted by messing with the varnish. I've been doing this thing for years (decades) but I somehow managed to forget to shake my varnish well enough which made him look all glossy. A second coat of fresh well mixed varnish fixed that but killed the sharp contrasts I had achieved. Lesson learnt the hard way...

Everything is ready for our Space Hulk game this WE now and I'm really excited about it !


  1. I think this guy looks brilliant - every inch the Inquisitor with his personalised gear. The parts all work together to give that impression - his porcelain blue terminator armour, his bindi and unusually patterned kneepad. The contrast between his dark skin and white hair is a really unusual choice for this figure (I've invariably seen him with Mediterranean skin and hair like Don Quixote), but gives him a subtle mystical aura. Lovely!

    1. There was obviously a strong appeal in painting another Spanish peacock but I wanted something different, once I had the armour blocked I knew I could find something more interesting, I like to believe there's a bit more syncretism than just goth stuff in the Imperial credo so the Oriental vibe felt natural. I have no idea where the kneepad design come from, it just came to the brush as it is ^^'

  2. A friend of mine had this one back in the 90s. I always loved that model. Now I see it shine in it's true glory. Thank you.

    1. I think the shine comes from a varnishing accident ^^'
      Thanks ;)

  3. I've always liked those two terminators. By some strange happenstance I apparently managed to put the arms on them in the orthodox configuration, but I'm inclined to like your arrangement almost better. Mr. Goatee was always my preferred member of the pair. I did not know these were Jes Goodwin. Thank you for that. :) You've done a fabulous job with him!

    1. I have a huge fondness for both and I actually own couples of both I mean to paint, I have one of each painted but there's room for more in my heart ! (I might even be tempted to give them the appropriate arms ^^

  4. You made a better paint job of him than I did back in the day.

    1. I did an absolute mess of him then if that helps 😊

  5. Très belle pièce qui vient parfaitement compléter tes Terminators.

    1. Y a plus qu'à les envoyer au boulot !!!

  6. Lovely work. I love the clean look of the armour on this classic model.

    1. Thanks, I think he needed a clean armour in contrast to the other guys to show his position. ^^ Glad you like it !

  7. It's a very striking paint job. It's a great sculpt and he is very much one of my favourite terminators. The clean blue armour combined with all the golden detail makes him stand out as a favoured Imperial servant. The dark skin and white hair really complete the look. Great work!

    1. Thanks a lot, I owe you guys for the input on this one again ;)
      I've found this clear greensih blue (teal blue) to be just what I like, easy to desaturate and yet strong with some sort of nobility, I don't know how to say that but it has a regal quality to it I find. It makes it work perfectly with the other carm colours like gold and red. I'll use that in the future, as for the skin tone and hair, it was the right thing to do in this case I reckon.
      Thanks mec ;)

  8. Great model, great concept, great paintjob. 'Nuff said!

  9. JB he looks stunning....everything about him is just right. So looking forward to the Space Ulk reports you and Nico will share!!!!

    1. Thanks mec ! I'm so eager to play this WE !

  10. He looks brilliant. Love the way all the colours work together.

    1. Cheers mec, I was real glad to see it work as well as that.

  11. Bien cool ce dixième homme.
    Les conneries d'innatention ça nous arrive à tous, peu importe l'expérience...
    Le résultat est quand même top!

    1. Merci !
      C'est rageant en effet mais c'est comme çà !

  12. The colour choices are unbeatable. Not only the mini works perfectly on its own as a character, but it also stands out when next to the other termies. Wonderful!

    1. Thanks, I'm glad it works as I wanted both. His basing means I'm likely to use him in SH only but he needed to have his own vibe going. ^^

  13. Looks awesome mate! Absolutely awesome! I feel your pain with the varnish though... it breaks my soul when that happens!

    1. Yeah, it still works as a whole but all I can see are the F'd up parts like the golds or some transitions. It's still playable so no real issue though ^^
      thanks !

  14. Brilliant work. This guy looks cool with the skin tone standing out even amidst all the details on his armor.

    1. Thanks ! I'm glad people seem to agree this was a good choice !

  15. Oh wow, I'd seen the Daemonhunter model before, but not this one. It's a great mini, and you've done a fantastic job on him!

  16. The goatee Inquisitor is perhaps the greatest Warhammer 40,000 miniature of all time. The bionic leg replacing the actual Terminator leg, the studded crotch, the wizened face with the refined facial hair. There's a lot of JB love here picking out the details, and I like the heraldry on the knee. Great work.

    1. It is very tempting to paint the second one I have with the digi weaponised power fist and combi bolter now... ^^


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