"Just what is Rogue Quest ?
JB, I want to know what Rogue Quest is ?
Hey what's that thing? I have no idea but I want to be part of it !"
Ahaha, calm down my friends, I am going to tell you about Rogue Quest right away, I have no will to torture the millions of you any further with that doubt.
I'm pretty sure most of you will have played some form of dungeon bashing at some point in your life, be it Dungeons and Dragons or any other RPG, Heroquest (and its advanced form) or Space crusade (and its advanced form too), Space Hulk, you name them...
Illustration by Tony Ackland |
Well I've had this idea for some time now to go back to the roots of dungeoneering but in the grim darkness of the far future. I know there already are some games to do just that (Space crusade and Space Hulk) but they lack something really important to me : Characters.
For me, the base of a good dungeon bashing is the motley crew which for some sordid reason decide to unite to rampage a dungeon.
Now I want that in the future now, I want a squat along an eldar with a marine leading the way in the corridors of a crashed space craft, the gutters of the underhive or the ruins of an old bunker. I want a bunch of heroes with their very own characteristics to seek treasures and encounter weird creatures.
I've talked about this idea here and there and one of my esteemed colleague
Jon/Axiom has come up with the brilliant idea to make a group project between us to build a group of 6 adventurers based on the archetypes we all know :
- Barbarian
- Bard
- Cleric
- Fighter
- Paladin
- Ranger
- Thief
- Wizard
Inspired by the impressive work of
Sho3box and
Mr Saturday with their Judgement day project, we've decided to do something similar by painting a new model for our party one after the other.
That's how the Rogue Quest project originated ! Since we both are great fans of confrontation, it was only natural to replace our own dungeon quest in this setting.
For now, I'm still working on rules to play this and the choices so far are :
- Using Advanced Hero Quest (AHQ) rules and build characters and monsters based on Rogue trader and 40k in general.
- Using Rogue Trader rules with the dungeon generation rules from AHQ
- Using SPace hulk and giving more flavour to each character
So far I'm leaning for the first 2 options with a slight preference for the first one but this will have to be playtested and will be the object of future posts.
But let's get back to the point of this all : Characters !
To start this project, I somehow needed an evocative character, one that made sense. The perfect opportunity was this marine scout I had customised by the great Kevin Adams at BOYL this year. Not only is this model unique but it's also one meant to represent me and therefore is the perfect model to play in such a sort of game to me !
I won't lie, using a model Kev sculpted in front of me with a
very dear friend and cider around while I could see Tony Ackland in the distance is absolutely priceless for the pathetic maniac I am. The model was one I got from
Sho3box on the day and it was insane to see Kev build a whole replica of my poor self in the matter of minutes at the end of the day (I was lucky enough to be one of the very last to get my face sculpted) all of that while chatting with us and drinking. The final cherry on the cake is that all the funds gathered are meant for charity. How right get this get ?
Levels of awesomeness have reached critical figures here. |