So here we are, it's been a month since I last blogged and a tad longer since I painted anything...
Why is that ? Well just throw moving house, holidays, business journeys and the fact I still don't have internet at home and you rapidly come to that sort of results.
Does that mean I haven't been doing anything hobby wise all this time, noooope ! I certainly haven't been painting much (but that's going to end soon) but I've had the occasion to make myslef anothr hobby place (probably the only upside of moving home) PLUS I've had the occasion of attending BOYL 2015 (aka Bring Out Your Lead, the Oldhammer event in Newark) this year.
This year, I made myself a little present by staying 3 whole days there and I can tell I never got a minute spare or got the chance to get bored.
As usual, it seems the only games I have are abroad, last one was in Montréal in Febuary with the
most Excellent Iannick. This year, just like last year, I managed to get 5 games in the WE and all were very different and yet very fun.
Let's have a look at those games :
Inquisimunda : The quest for the Golden Phrogg
This game was a spin-off for the Campaign organised by Andy Hoare from
Tales from the Maelstrom, and it was the occasion for no less than 9 players to gather around a table for a huge Royal Rumble.
The Game took place at the Warhammer World which I had never visited before and was organised by Job from
Magpie and Old Lead and it was extremely nice to game on such a lovely table with vintage lead (you could see some people being very intrigued).
Players were divided into 2 groups : Graham (Greater Harlequin) and his genestealer cult, John (or Just John if you want) with Space Santa and Chris (Antipixi) with his ash waste nomads. Facing them were Gadge with his rogue trader, Colin (Whiskey Priest) with an inquisitor, Paul (Cheetor/Sho3box) with another inquisitor and Myself with my trusted Sensei warband.
Great table, great guys in a great venu, what could go wrong ? |