Sunday, 18 September 2016

Internal Organs Brofist - Death metal band of the future

For some reason, Heavy Metal and painting are completely linked in my head. Well, actually Heavy Metal, miniatures and comic books are sort of a Holy trinity for me. I've already talked about my passion for comic books from the occidental side and the oriental side before so let me develop the musical side a bit.

My cousins who basically introduced me to miniatures also introduced me to Heavy metal music and comics at the same time.
Just throw : 

And plenty of others with a load of :

 Amongst many others, as well as :

Amongst many others to a poor 9 years old kid and watch his brain melt and take another twisted form.
If from all those I hadn't understood Heavy metal was the definition of awesome, I would have been the biggest idiot of all times. So I just grabbed the 2nd place instead, I'm not lying, all those truly hit me in the guts and still define most of my taste, they've become my grammar for stuff I like. I've grown to like far more than just those but these are what brought the sparkle that ignited a fire that never ceased to burn.

So what made me cross the line and do a band ? Well for one, there were some absolutely brilliant figures sculpted by Mark Copplestone and available from Forlorn Hopes and then there were the Mushrööm Klöwds from my friend Paul.

The name of the band even originated from a conversation after Christmas when our stomachs were stuffed with Chocolate, alcohol and gravy.

"hey liver ! wasap ? motherfucker's eating chocolate, yeah.... it's that time of year again, you and me like usual (internal organs brofist), yeah, see you buddy."

"- shall we warn the pancreas as well ? - nah, le'ts let him have the surprise... - lol"

And just like that it seemed obvious to make the Internal Organs Brofist the name of the coming band...

But to fully exist on the scene, a proper Metal band needs musicians, tracks and a proper undecipherable logo. (Fans aren't a requirement, they're just a bonus)

Good thing is, I already had the perfect track for them. Here's their most famous track : Ffffffffff, which is actually a cover for an ancient band from Terra :

Just for the record, this song is a Death metal track we recorded with our band "Stop the Madness" a few years back amongst other things...

Which leads us to the Logo. Any good metal band must have one ass kicking logo that's hard enough to read.

See what I'm talking about ? Well I'll be honest, I totally lack any graphic skill so I tried to come up with something that would fit well enough and tweaked it with computer madness enough to make it OK.

Abracadabra :

Now I usually try to name as many of my characters but often leave that aside for small regular bands. I suppose this is not one of these so here's the complete line-up (as of now) :

Kerry "Tombgrinder"Akerfeldt

Nico "Beastmaster V" Mounier

George "Corpsefucker" Plant

Marty "Slasher" Hammett
Cliff "Maggoth" Harris
I know this is all pretty niche stuff and we might be a few bunch to like this stuff (metal combined with miniatures combined with stupid nerdy references I mean) but hey, life's not a rehearsal, so let's just play the fucking tunes we want to hear !

In the next posts, we'll keep quite a sinister tone so prepare yourselves. Look deep inside your heart, you'll realise it's full of BLOOD !


  1. Fabulously comprehensive JB, and beautifully painted too. And so rapidly, very impressive.

    Maybe next August it's time for the Battle of the Bands!

    1. Cheers, you helped a lot even if unknowingly !
      There's nothing stopping us from a clash of bands now... (if you leave the thousands of miles aside)

  2. Thanks Alex !
    That's pretty how I want this place to be so glad you like it !

  3. I don't get any of the references, have no interest at all in metal music, but boy do I love reading and looking at your blog - there's always something fun, innovative and appealing and somehow it all feels obvious and intuitive. Rock on! (That's probably not the right thing to say!)

    1. Aha, I know Metal is like many musics like Jazz or others (or like smoking), you have to invest a little time to get into it unless you go the slow path with gateway groups. Anyway, it's a genre that has as many faces than any other and I do enjoy lots of them. I also find most metal heads to be pretty tolerant and open minded people !
      I had to pay a little hommage to all that and give a wink to my teen self from long ago. ;)

      Cheers Stuart !

  4. Such an awesome post JB! I tried my hand at painting this band in Slannesh colors. I'm not 100% with the finished results. You however have painted them perfectly by turning the volume not up to 11 but I would say 15 or even 20. Lol ;)

    1. Oh, I painted them quite naturally but a Slaanesh version would be excellent I reckon ! Looking forward to it !

  5. Great looking paint jobs. Totally agree on the music being tied with the miniatures. I found metal and GW at about the same time so my painting music and the soundtrack to our games was metal of one sort or another.

    1. Cheers ! I have to admit it's not always interlinked but it's very compatible still.

  6. Haha, they rock! :D This is quite different to what you have used us to, but the style is unmistakably yours, they look great, but now... now you need that Mad Max truck. Yup, you know it... :D

    1. Oh, you're being teasy now !
      That's an itch that's gonna need some serious scratching for sure !

  7. IOB for the win! Nice one JB, these guys rock in every sense mate :-)

    1. (growls like a maniac)

  8. Nice! Did we just become best friends?
    I love looking at my minis and remembering the albums and songs that were on when painting.
    Lots of Voivod, Sodom, Pestilence and Gojira.
    Great figs too. Holy hell these are cool that they exist.

    1. It sure is cool Mark made these, they're absolutely great.

  9. Really cool post. Like you I discovered metal and miniatures around the same time and they are linked in my psyche now....

    1. I think we were quite a bunch in that case !

  10. So many of my friends are Metal/Miniatures/Comics fans that we find it weird when someone only likes two of the three.
    The Band looks awesome, if I were 28mm I'd go see them, and buy a shirt and a patch at the merch table.

  11. Fuckin sweet. that type music, comics and minis compliment eachother so well. You grew up in the right way. :)

    Band and name are brill'. What a fun project.

    1. Cheers mate ! Noone's commented the track yet though... ^^'
      I understand !

    2. Heh - it was cool. Sounds like the lead is just growling and gurgling to himself like some sort of adult baby. I dig.

  12. I'm not sure how I missed this, but I like it. I wish the house band at Empty Pocket Studios were half so competent. (They need practice. And maybe recording equipment. And maybe a second member. Or a third.) Very nice! And by this I mean the track. The miniatures are good too, but the track is most excellent of a somewhat tipsy winter's night. Would that the madness could continue. :) Maybe I need to build me my own band and not just right stuff for MK to cover. You're giving me ideas.


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