Sunday, 18 November 2018

Pillars and crystals

Hi everyone, following our journey through Katsina's upcoming KS, here are the scenery bits I got plus some other stuff I just had to paint along !

The first thing you have to know about Bizazas is that they seem to have a strong affinity with cristals, many of them have some and even the cute spiders have some embedded in their skull ! It makes sense to have a few of them to display on the table (and on the sculpted scenery).

I went for a very quick paintjob on those, I could have blended colours and everything but I think on crystals like that it can look nice to have imperfections like real stones do (just trying to justify myslef here).

Now the other pieces were the big "pillar" on the right and the doom serpent icon from Forge of ice. Both are really nice pieces that will really set the mood on future tables I believe. I've painted them with black, grey and white sprays then a bit of drybrush and some Vallejo washes to bring some variations in the stone colour to represent some sort of fine sandstone.
Katsina's KS had more scenery bits so I might go back to them when I've painted the rest to unifiy them all and maybe weather them a bit more with bits of moss or the like... we'll see.

So here are a few Katsina models (and an old citadel slann for reference) and there's still more to come !

All those crystals have made me consider two things :
- repainting the crystals on my older Bizazas so they all match the new ones
- Getting those babies  from Krakon Games out and make them crystal critters :

Ferrus Testudines from Krakon Games
Great idea right ? RIGHT ? ^^

I'm on a good roll right now. :D


  1. Make Lustria great again! hahaha good d'job manaman!

  2. I like the snake face statue it reminds me of the one in Conan the Barbarian with Arnie Schwarzenegger

  3. Aaaah I am really gonna have to get these!

  4. These look lovely, considering how near-impossible it is to closely simulate translucency or transparency in something which is neither translucent or transparent.

    1. Exactly so that's why I opted for something way darker and opaque to make it easier to "read" and I think even with a rather crude application it works well enough.
      Thanks !

  5. Pretty interesting effects on the crystals :O

  6. That Thulsa Doom statue looks great -- and I like the crystal monsters idea as well. Definitely on a roll.

    1. It looks really great, it only occured after I was done I could have painted it as a regular bust but it's cool as a statue !
      There are just 4 crystal critters but they'll make a perfect little scene I reckon.
      Thanks James !

  7. I can't wait to see you document the adventures of Helsreach Hal and the Kingdom of the Crystal Spiders. Bravo mec!

    1. Mec, now you said it, Helsreach Hal is happening, coming on a table next (well sort of) to you along Pig Bens right ? RIGHT ?

  8. Que du beau boulot, tant sur les cristaux que sur les piliers/bustes.

  9. These are really interesting. Simple paint jobs are fine for scenic items.

    1. Yes, you don't want them to steal the attention from the characters right ? ^^

  10. Nice job, keep the mojo going.

  11. Replies
    1. It really was a simple effect but it works well enough I think !


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