Saturday 6 January 2018

Chaos Squats

Yes I know, squats again, well I guess it's a form of coming out I guess. I love stunties, there I said it ! Now I've been considering getting back on my chaos renegade army for some time but you know how things are right ? There's always a good excuse to do something else and as long as stuff gets done and painted, I don't mind much actually. Things, is though, there's been a combination of events lately that lead me to seriously consider what I'd do next for my chaos army.
Amongst a few others, I recently painted some really gorgeous space dwarf models from Kev Adams (soon to be released) and I really wanted to see (and therefore show) how the new arms would fit on old models so since the only squats I had were chaotic, that's what I picked. Add to that some emulation with good friends and a "tale of several gamers" online challenge and there I was, I just like to compel myself into doing things it seems.
But honestly, do you need excuses with chaos squats ? I mean just summon this brilliant picture from Paul Bonner :

Brother killing brother, imperial squats shooting chaotic ones in the genitals, smashing their skull open with a melta gun right before the eyes of a commissar ? Hell yes.

It was very tempting to take the imperial guys and twist their colour scheme into a chaotic one I have to say but eventually, I really wanted the squats to fit right in with the rest of the army which I want as black as I can to get a massive black tide some day !
I did use some red because it's the main spot colour of the army and it does evoke all sorts of hellish evil feelings when combined with black. And since there are many mutants amongst them, I did add some purples as well for good measure, the rest would be dark enough to avoid clashing with the main colours.

Now since I'm taking part in some "tale of several gamers" kind of challenge, I have to keep track of point costs to attest I have painted my part of the deal. I don't really care about point values in general but I'm going to play the game for once. Of course, since I never looked at the rules before, not a single model was built according to what's "allowed" (what a sordid term really).

Let's round up the squad to 270 points and call it a day then ! Here's a closer shot at the little guys. You can see there's a strange guy on the right... Well he's one of the Oakbound Dorfs I had kept aside some time ago. It felt pretty obvious to have him join the other mutated fellows.

As you can see, the new arms fit on the old guys just perfectly and there are even some plastic arms thrown in without any issue. !

Now since I was painting chaos squats, I just felt compelled to finish a conversion I had kept aside for too long. But painting it now would make it look odd amongst the old guys. To be honest, I wasn't very pleased with what I had done back then. I've had those guys for ages and I had butchered them then, making anything fancy impossible honestly.
I did wanted to update them a bit and make them fit a bit more with how I see the army now and the banner was just not doing it. I overthought and underwhelming idea which is probably the worst thing you can do in a hobby really.

Anyway, a few touch-ups and banner later, I think they don't look good but at least they fit with the rest now and they're done. Stripping them wouldn't change much since the models are too damaged to begin with (thanks to the old soft lead).
These guys don't have any profile that I know of so I improvovised with what's given in the RT rulebook and compendium and guesstimated they should be 285 points. ^^

Now that's 14 models and 555 points done in the first week of the year ! It's been worse honestly ! Best part of this is that although those are a rather crude and hasty job,  they've boosted me to do good things now ! 
I'm not done with vertically challenged folks yet but I feel I can paint a few palette cleansers to warm up now !


  1. So, chaotic exo-armour are mandatory now, aren't they ? ;)

    great stuff as usual dude

    1. Arrr, yes they are, I have one actually... ^^
      Cheers mec !

  2. Along with 'Stealer-Ork hybrids, Chaotic Squats are surely the coolest niche RT factions going. You've done a stellar job here. I am slightly reminded of Don Hans' RT work, which I hope you take as the compliment it is intended to be!

    1. Damn you're totally right, I completely forgot to mention them but Hans' squats are definitely something which inspired me (especially with the one wearing a mask.
      I really like digging those places of RT people have left aside, such a gold mine. ^^

  3. Looks great, I'm just about to paint some tentacles and I think I'm going to steal your purple into dark blue!

    1. Purple into dark blue is fun ! thanks Andrew !

  4. I'm impressed with how your mostly black colour palette doesn't end up looking like a black hole. Particularly with the exo-armour which has less accessories to provide colour, you still manage to create depth of color. Very nice work.

    1. Black is a fun colour to play around and I've had to add a bit more colour to them compared to what I was doing then though to avoid that black hole effect.
      Thanks !

  5. This is shaping into a great little force 😉
    Really nice work JB

  6. Fucking awesome JB! I really like the termie that you heavily converted the best, chest all pumped out. Having a sizable squat force will be great man, they look ace all laid out on the pretend battlefield.

    1. It won't go much further than that (maybe a boss in exo armour but that's all) but they're great fun.

  7. These are great! It's nice to see you rounding out these tiny figure ranges into complete squads. I had the goat-legged Squat as a kid and didn't know what was going on with the figure at all. Bought it not knowing Chaos was a thing, let alone Chaos Squats were a thing.

    What do the banner runes spell out? I only recognise two of the phonetic runes "*o*ul".

    1. I've had the PA ones for years and never really did them any justice but they're done at least !
      As for the meaning of the runes, I'm afraid that is a mystery I cannot unveil yet !

  8. These look great! Tentacular work! They're clawfully good!

    I like the bold black and red with the more subtly coloured elements (like the tentacles).

    I guess as you've painted your first faction, I ought to make a start on mine!

    1. Let's consider this my appetizer ! ^^

  9. Excellent example of how dark hues can still look good! Nice! :)

  10. I think they look good and getting things done is the best thing for mojo. In my opinion.

    1. Done beats perfectly unfinished any day in my book. ^^

  11. Seeing these beauties makes me feel all warm and squishy in my pants.
    Bonner's Squats are my all time fav art from gw books.
    Almost went and purchased those kev adams minis... almost.

    1. You should treat yourself, maybe the freebies will get you. ;)
      Thanks !


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