There are some days where you only get madness and worldwide mayhem and some where you get to read in a published magasine that someone loves you... well who appreciates what you do at least...
Saturday was one of the latter when I learnt that Conrad Kinch had written some very kind words about this very blog in his article about the Oldhammer movement in Miniature Wargames Magazine #381 :
Image property of Atlantic Publishers |
Not only did Conrad wrote : "A painting blog written by the ever inventive
Jean Baptiste. Definitely check out his beautifully
sculpted Chicken Knight. A man who manages
to combine Highlander and Warhammer 40K is
alright in my book."
But he also managed to come up with a description of the oldhammer no member would deny and that alone is to be praised !
Go and check out his blog
JOY AND FORGETFULNESS if you're not already following it, his talent for writing and his fine humour should keep you well entertained. I'm more than happy to share this honour with fellow bloggers I immensely respect so that's added bonus.
I'd want to say this changes nothing but I've already started adding spinners on my bike's wheels, I've put the music level one step up on the stereo and I'm not even talking to my cats anymore... probably should get back painting...
All of this just to say Thank You.