After enjoying one of those week ends where some shitbags decide to break into your house to rob you of all your technological possessions with the photos of the kids and music they contain I somehow felt like changing my mind with something relaxing. I have a squat warband on the line but felt like taking a break.
Good thing is humanity is not entirely made of human waste. There are actually some people who just give you stuff instead of robbing it...
A while back, my pal Colin Murray of
the Leadpile had
a mutie feeling lonely... He took the decision of letting it go to clearer shores so that he might gain some attention.
Well, while I have tons of unattended models myself, I just couldn't resist the look of that one. He's definitely the kind of kitbashes I'm not able to come up with and he would make a perfect mutant for my Rogue trader Setting.
For some reason, some postman (we will never know on wich side of the channel) decided to use the package to play rugby or something but not only did the model take a month to make its way from UK to France, it arrived in the state you're seeing below...
Nothing like the view of a defenseless model smashed to bit by some indelicate post officer to help you gain back your faith in humanity.
Well, good thing is, seeing a gift in this state left me little choice but to fix the mess because it just didn't feel right. So a couple (or two) of hours of modelling and painting after that, here's what the mutie looked like :
The mutant you see is called "Big tooth Ed", he is natural mutant born in the underhive, he's a nice guy with a bad temper but yuo have to know he's been mocked by everyone because of his rather particular physique. His left lower canin is indeed far bigger than it should and this gives him a peculiar face. The cruelty of men knows no limit and time earned him his nickname "big tooth"...
I hope you will excuse the rather poor quality of the photos but I had nothing left but my wife's phone to take pictures right now...
Couldn't help but put red and checkers on that one, damn you John Blanche ! |
Well, now I've completed this one, I'd really like this idea to evolve a bit. I mean we ALL have unfinished models, part done conversions or models we converted but which never saw any paint... I think it could be really cool to exchange those with people enthusiast enough to finish the job. What better way to share the mojo around ? Anyone who has those kind of unloved models lying around, take a pic and ask to the community ! I'll be looking for some to share and look forward to painting some done by others !
If you're looking for a place to exchange thjose unloved models, here's the place, the
Oldhammer Salvation Army has its arms wide open !