Monday, 24 March 2025

Machine God by Knucklebones miniatures


Hey everyone ! Quick one today.
After finishing 2 bands, I felt like I needed a palette cleanser and just decided to paint this beauty that was standing on my desk ince god knows when.
It's a machine God by Knucklebones miniatures, you can find it HERE and a mate of mine kindly printed me one to use as ... not really sure what yet but it's definitely the kind of weird creature I want to encounter at the end of a sewer/dungeon crawl, or at least the sort of stuff I ant my players to encounter as a GM.
It's the kind of very liberating models you can't really paint rong so you can just paint things as you want, if you want a part to be flesh or muscle or cable or whatever, it's gonna work out anyway.

It's taken me something like 2/3 small evening sessions to get it done which is great for a model that size, I hope you enjoyed it, happy painting to all !


  1. Grotesque! I love it.
    And being printable I can see it being useful for so many projects and genres

    1. I can see it fit in many stories and that's what I loved about it, thanks !

  2. Wow, that's pretty strange! I'm not sure which end is the front, but it's got some good details. Very nicely painted, too. I particularly like the way you shade black/grey.

    1. There's no way if it has a front or back and that makes it pretty grim and fun at once !
      As for blcks, I barely use any real blck actually, it's mostly Prince August German grey which is a very dark grey, that means I can highlight as uch as I need to and I can still shade it with pure black to give it definitiion. I barely use any pure blacks or white as a matter of fact (the exception being the base rims)

  3. That looks fantastic! I might have to get one for myself.

    1. It was the perfect model in between projects, fun, straightforward and one that gives me several game ideas !


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