So here we are ! Less than a month after the launch of Orctober, my entry is ready for some action !
As you may have recognised them, I've settled for some Space ork raiders this year. Last year my entry consisted of some orks from the second release of Rogue trader that went along Waaaagh the orks. The reading of this classic piece of background for all self-respecting future greenskin had really inspired me and somehow made me far more interested in them than I ever had before. It somehow sealed a sort of tradition that though I'd never truly collect orcs or orks, I would take the opportunity to paint some once a year.
And that time of year had come again !
Last year's entry was heavily influenced by the look of Warhammer 40 2nd edition and its red predominance.
This year, I wanted to get back a little farther in time to the early days of Rogue trader. What better range of orks than the original Space ork raiders !
What screams "Rogue trader Orks" more than these guys honestly ! They have just the perfect combo of mischief, savgery and humour !
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Anyone seen Braglub ? |
My selection of models has been done by chance. I just found a thread on the oldhammer forum where Phreedh was selling some of his lead and I just took what he had in hand. Not only was I suprised by the quality of those models but Phreedh even kindly added some more !
Let me present you "that Red Sturz" a group a (in)famous space ork raiders that have made an question of honour to wreck, pillage and cause trouble as much as they possibly can. They generally rent their service to earn the money needed to get to another sector of the galaxy xhere they can stat again their quest for maximum mayhem !
I've tried to associate the orks by pair, so you can compare the different variants when there are some. The first couple is the most simple one, these are only a worn out jean and some bandgaes on the feet and some salvaged pieces of armour. This does not mean they don't take care of their look and you can note their fancy bracelets and watches !
Just look at this classic bit of Rogue trader, That's what orks are all about !
The second couple is by far the grimmest one of the band. The doom doom brothers are the 2 wackos of the group and they seem to be competeing with each other to come up with the most gruesome and stupid ideas. You can see how Tonny (on the left) has had "on top" written on his shoulderpad to prove how he is at the top of the ork hierarchy. Well Borry (on the right) has had "on Ton" written on his... their never ending fights still are a source of fun for the group...
With the followoing 2 we're starting to get a little higher in the hierarchy of our little group. Well armed and equipped, skilled in combat and eager to kill, those 2 cold very well be th eworst threat to mankind ever if it were not for their VERY short attention span... Do not let yourself be fooled by their look of professional, give them an order and you can be sure that 5 minutes later they'll be doing the exact opposite (though they will keep firing their bolters the whole time).
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Just look at that, it takes Imperial quards, squats and eldars to fight against the ork raiders ! |
Now here we reach the top of the food chain, the cream of he crew if I may say... the Breaka Brothas.
They're mean and... mean, they're just mean. They may look focused and clever at first sight but it only takes seconds to realise that the only thing in those stupid minds of theirs is to cause trouble. Because they dedicate the full extent of their very limited intellectual ressources to be mean, they need armour, tough armour. It seems that this combination of resilience and dedication to their cause has somehow protected them from anihilation and you can be sure that would they be torn in parts, they would still be aiming at causing you trouble...
Last but not least, here are our specialists. On the left you can see Dork Dougy, also known as "Little Genius"by the rest of the crew. He is the one closest to having a form of intelligence in the group and he acts as mechanic, medik and all... he fixes things with skill from time to time, with headbutts far more often and with point blank shots with his automatic gun most of the time... This temper of his probably find its origin in his short and bulky build but most crewmemebers know better than to tease him with that, you don't want to mess with the Dork...
One little detail about him is that to gain some assurance and some credibility, he has somhow decided to sport a pair of fat squig eyebrows. His companions don't know why but he is certain tha tit gives him a more "scientific" look... once again, you don't wan to mess with the Doc (especially when he's holding a gun
One little detail about him is that to gain some assurance and some credibility, he has somhow decided to sport a pair of fat squig eyebrows. His companions don't know why but he is certain tha tit gives him a more "scientific" look... once again, you don't wan to mess with the Doc (especially when he's holding a gun
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Eyebrows +1 : Adds permanent bonus to Charimsa |
On the right, you can see Rorky, the pilot of the group, he can pilot or drive anything and when he can't he will do it anyway...
The group travels the galaxy with the company of snotling slaves which may very well be even more stupid than their masters. Most snotlings are said to be the clever lot of greenskins (by others than orks) but those are the worse you can find, maybe it's the way of piloting (and landing) of Rorky, maybe it's the way the Dork heals them with gunshots or maybe it's just living amongst of wackos that influences them but they're really really silly.
By the way, those below are all models kindly offered fuy the foundry when I purchased models during BOYL.
Don't hope for a single neuron in that lot |
Hope you like them, I took a lot of pleasure painting them. Since the orks are sort of a unique thing every year, I wanted them to be special, I worked on an ork skintone and I think it looks cool. I also wanted to get out of the comfort zone so I opted for lots of yellow to worl that colour a bit.I can't say the result is where I wanted it but it's good enough for the purpose. (Anyway I'll get back to my usual palette very soon).
Tempted by orks? no? Come oooon, if you're not, just let yourself be tempted just once in a while ;)
Great work JB, they look fantastic. I particularly like the red stars, they give the group a very appealing slightly WWII look to me.
ReplyDeleteThe guy with the mohawk and the leader are my favourite two, but there is loads of character in those guys.
Well coming from a connoisseur like you that says a lot !
DeleteI had tremendous fun painting those just as I imagine you had painting yours. Just have to figure out what to paint next !
The thing about orks is that you could paint practically anything and still add to this force if you wanted.
DeletePirates, cavalry, helicopters, ninjas, Spec Ops, cyborgs, savage hunters, dinosaurs, dune buggies, a rock band, dreadnoughts, doctors... practically anything can be projected through the ork prism and come out the other side looking pretty cool. Thats the big appeal to me.
So my advice is to paint more orks. It almost doesnt matter what sort :)
Now that's the scary part I wish you had not told... I have some much chaos to paint I need to keep works in my "relax zone", I'll try to make something look cool through the ork prism though ;)
DeleteBang up job JB! Wish I had had the time to paint me some orkses, ah well there's always next month come Norkvember!!
ReplyDeleteHonestly, it took me 3 weeks , painting from time to time , they pretty much paint themselves, you can try a more limited palette as well to ease the job.
DeleteThanks a lot !
I do love a good star motif! Nice choice of colours as well, JB. Loving that subtle yellow.
ReplyDeleteI know you do Ed ! Coming from you that's an honour ! The yellow is not how I wished it was but it does the job so I'm rather happy with it.
DeleteThanks a lot.
You've done a wonderful job on the boyz. For some reason I have a real soft spot for RT Orks.
ReplyDeleteWell now I've painted some I can totally get why, they're not the "in your face" style like now, they're just .. .don't know... fun !
DeleteThanks a lot.
Fantastic stuff JB...the skin tone is lovely and I'd kill to get yellow that smooth. What's the recipe for the yellow?
ReplyDeleteThanks Jon ! The recipe is :
Delete- base coat of foundation yellow (iyanden darksun IIRC)
- GW Yellow wash everywhere
- GW Sepia wash in the recesses and where I want shadows
- Highlighting with very diluted foundation yellow (not very convenient, have to find something else here)
- HIghlighting with very thinned mixes of yellow with bone colour until the last are almost pure bone (still very diluted)
Excellent work, a great group of Orks, I have always loved the Space Ork Raiders and the early Rogue Trader era Orks. I don't think Braglub was ever released.
ReplyDeleteI like the red star detail, and the choice of colours with the complementary browns, blue, and yellow. I also like the way you have also painted up much of the metal as rusty, and the subtle 'pink' on the noses and lips.
Coincidentally I am currently painting up some of my Space Ork Raiders as part of 'Orktober' (I'm not really entering into the competion, just painting up for the fun of it) and finsihing off my Luggub's Drop Legion. I painted 5 today!
Great work Mr Asslessman, great to see the Orks :)
Well, with models as yourself, I had to make them look good !
DeleteFunny how the stars and pinkish noses help make them stand while these were very late additions, sometimes it takes very little to achieve far more it seems !
Thanks Lee !
They look great JB! But they might benefit from a bit of a dirty up?
ReplyDeleteWho made that Dork Dougy mini? He looks like a Bob Olley sculpt......sorta Iron Claw? He's nice :)
My Orctober project has come to a screeching halt, life etc, but I hope I can have it finished in time. Is just one mini for Christ sake!
Keep up the good work JB.
Thanks a lot !
DeleteYou know what? I've thought a lot about making them a little more dirty and all, I started by treating the metals as rusted but once I had all the base colours applied I had already too much elements and did not want to add any further which would make the models "messy"
MOst of my other models for RT are also in that vein so I try to keep things a little consistent. It is definitely a way that could have been adopted I agree.
Oh and good luck on your model, one is all you need ;)
Oh and forgot to answer but th eDork Dougy modle is indeed a Bob Olley one, it goes with the Roborg :
Hey JB,
DeleteI PM'd you on the Oldhammer forum. Could you have a look when you get a chance?
The more I look at these the more tempted I am to dump the rest of my paint queue and head straight for my big pile of greenies. Must resist! Great job!
ReplyDeleteWhy resist? With your usual pace you could knock the buggers in under a week ! Th emore I think about it the more the very concept of paintqueue seem irreleevant, as long as we hit the leadpile, it doesn't matter from which side we do !
DeleteThanks Colin, hope everything's fine with the "little man" to come ;)
Woooo, I'm deeply impressed, these ones are awenome! I could say the same that Colin, I feel the urge to undertake all my greenskins (again...)
ReplyDeleteThanks Man !
DeleteWhat's painted stays painted I say ! I'm really glad these get such a positive response as I was not on familiar ground to start with. Next time will be space dwarves, I've been making those wait for too long now !
They're beautiful ( for lack of a better word) JB, sterling effort man.
ReplyDeleteThe Snorklings really tie the mob together too, the little bugger showing his arse is fantastical- the leader and the boy with the bolta and spiked armpad are a couple of the best early Ork minis.
They were great fun so I hope to add some sometime ;)
DeleteCheers mate
What's the recipe for the ork skin JB?
ReplyDeleteEasy as pie !
Delete- Base coat is gretchin green (the foundation one) bu stracken green could do
- Wash everything with thinned Thrakka green (1 water for 2 Wash)
- Wash of agrax earthshade in te deepest recesses and where I want to enhance contrast
- Then base coat again on the main standing areas
- HIghlights built on base coat plus growing amounts of ushabti bone until I'm happy. I'm using a wet palette so it really helps and all the mixes are heavily thinned down with water (it has to be almost transluscent so tha tit blends nicely instead of leaving marks)
I then just add a red glaze on the lips, nose and nipples and I'm good. Hope it helps ;)
Sorry it has taken so long to respond to this. But let me just say. AWESOME, I love these your painting is really top notch. The theme is great, full of character. Hopefully get to play against these guys some day, we need a French BOYL we can persuade all our Mrs to let us attend, the one British one is not enough. That said the British one is more of a Euro one.
ReplyDeleteI digress, you have a couple missing from my collection so colour me envious (in a nice way).
Thanks a lot for the kind words, I think we can clearly say now that Orctober the second was a huge success and I'm glad t osee everyone played !
DeleteA frenc event is still on the tracks though we've missed our lateset opportunity. We'd be more than glad to have you guys around and I can't wait to get myself back to Newark. Maybe for a game of RT ?
I may have a couple you don't have but you surely have a ton I don't ... ;)
everyone commented on how great the models are (and they are) but this was the funniest thing i ever read. i was laughing non stop. thank you
ReplyDeleteWell thank you !