Monday, 27 January 2025

Road to Lustria - The Bogenhafen Saga

So I had the chance to resume our ongoing warhammer fantasy roleplay campaign a couple of weeks ago. I had been waiting eagerly for this since my character, Gregor Mc Connor, a former pit fighter turned judiciary champion was now quite experienced and there were a few matters still on hold

If you want to catch up with previous episodes, you can do so in the following links, it is quite a long read now but it's proven to be a very helpful guide to us players (and even our GM) before new games.

The first episode is HERE

Second episode is HERE

Third episode is HERE

Arabian fighters by Lafig miniatures


Hey everyone, first post of the year so wishing you all the best for 2025 ! I've been quite busy, with house works and even some hobby but the list of painted and unblogged models is getting out of hands so here's the first project for you ! Lafig Miniatures is realeasing a brand new ambitious project of a skirmish game and the first band for this game are Sheik Hait-Malaif’s Sandcrawlers which will be available soon on Kickstarter HERE.

Thursday, 28 November 2024

Ghazghkull Thraka Take 3 !


Ghazghkull Thrakka is probably one of the most famous special characters in the whole 40k verse and  understandably so since he's also one of the very first to have had his model. Orktober still being in the air (my understanding is that orctober runs from one month of october to the next), and having my schedule a little challenged by Trench Crusade I'm finally paying my hommage to Gork and Mork this year !

Thursday, 14 November 2024

Trench Crusade Observer

Hey all, It seems like painting one model at the time, although very unlike me, is proving to be quite efficient for me ! With some of the mercenaries from the first Trench Crusade kickstarter on the table, I moved onto the next one that fet fun and picked the Observer.

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Trench Crusade Witchburner


So with the core of my pilgrims done, I started working on mercenaries and official models from the first kickstarter which I was kind of eager to do. After doing the communicants last time, I've primed a few others but decided to focus on one (quite unlike how I usually procede)

Sunday, 3 November 2024

Trench Crusade - Communicant anti-tank hunters


Following the Trench Crusade vibe I'm in at the moment, I've finally allowed myself to paint the Communicant anti-tank hunter from the very first Kickstarter.

Thursday, 24 October 2024

Trench Crusade - Ecclesiastic prisoners and Stigmatic nuns


Hey everyone, following the pilgrims for my first Trench Pilgrims force, I wanted to get the "human" elements done before moving on to the more exotic and impressive units, to set the scale. 
I've had a pretty good idea of what I wanted for these and had the bits sorted for a while so it was just a matter of sourcing the missing elements and more importantly, the time to assemble and paint them.

Monday, 30 September 2024

Fantasy adventurer scout


Hey all, a quick and easy one this time, just a palette cleanser to remind me howfun and pleasant those old citadel models are, after painting bulks or big models, this one felt so refreshing !

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