
Friday 29 July 2022

The watchers of the Chaos wastes - Forbidden Psalm

Hey all, so amongst the many lovely games we've seen blossom, I had the pleasure to play some Mork Borg with friends earlier this year. Now Mork Borg being a RPG, KRD Designs have offered us a declination of it for skirmish games set in the same universe and mindset.
The entry force is pretty easy, 5 models so it's really a question of picking 5 models that look suitably, grotesque, horrifying, weird or just cool and here you go.

No like often, I try to build a force around a strong idea and in this case, it was a model I got a few years ago and couldn't just paint without a greater purpose.

A sculpting competition was held in 2018 on the facebook Oldhammer sculpting group and one miniature emerged victorious : The watcher by Lewis Collins

The winner had his model cast and sold by Macrocosm and I made sure to grab a copy. Now what I couldn't see in the picture was how massive the model is ! It's a centerpiece, it has to be, you can't just make it your average spell caster !

Now Mork Borg and Forbidden Psalm having both and very strong satanic imagery (amongts many others), I thought this guy was the perfect candidate !

I was first going to do him with a red robe since it's been a while I haven't painted a lot of red (with the usual greys and cream) but after a couple of seconds, I realised having all these folks in red hooded robes would make it too much of a Christmas after party so went for some off white and brass instead (I'll get something red on the menu soon enough I'm sure)

Now here he is fully painted :

To match the crazyness of the watcher himself I picked this chaos Thug and gave him a matching off white armour which is original enough. I like that you see his ears on the sides of the mask and I can't help but picture him with a very nice face he has to conceal with a mask to be taken seriously.

The crossed eyes are obviously a reference to my favourite manga Dorohedoro which just happens to have the same punk satanist vibe in common with Mork Borg

Now with all the scary guys in the team, I booted one guy out (you'll see him soon enough) and decided I wanted a more discrete one to make a contrast. I picked this Thug because his horns definitely tell where he's from but on the other side he looks still young and not completely broken inside which I found cool. I painted him in a way to make him juvenile enough and have a progression in size and vileny througout the band.

Now I just couldn't paint a band full of chaotic miscreants and not take the opportunity to paint a couple of Goodwins in the process (this is actually what triggered me to paint the band since I was dying to paint some goodwin again). This is Stabb the acolyte, I've already painted his Nurgle variant a while ago and was glad to come back to this one.
There's a pleasurein paintg Jes Goodwin's work that's hard to explain but obvious when you put your brushes on one, everything is right, at its places, the clothes are pleasant, you get all the right textures, I'm always stunned by how painter friendly they are despite Jes not being a painter himself (to my knowledge at least).

The other one was Mutander Bubonicus which was an absolute blast and now one of my favourite sorcerers. You can't really make how his face is from pictures but from the model in hand it's all right and great. I find it nice not to have him painted in an obvious Nurgley green theme, the guy has more to offer !

 Despite the intense heat those were painted in, which made the undercoat a bit too chalky and any smooth painting nigh impossible, I had a great pleasure working on those and I am very eager to test them with friends on a suitably gloomy yet fun tabletop !

Note : I have competely diregarded what these guys could be in terms of rules or whatever, I'll just roll characters and make the best of these, rule of cool first, I'm very confident in figuring things out in due time !


  1. A real treat to see The Watcher painted up. The whole band looks great in the dirty cream. They're sinister enough without needing a traditionally 'evil' colour scheme.

    1. Thanks ! I think that's the fun part of it ! In a world where everyone is supposedly looking like an evil satanist, how would the villains look ? I kinda like the idea they could either be the goodie two shoes or the most perverted evil doers !

  2. Fantastic warband! Great colours and brushwork!

  3. Love the color choice on this group. Works so well as both robes and armor. A very Mork Borg group indeed!

    1. It's a little lighter than typical morkborg butvI reckon the mood is here, thanks !

  4. We suspect that you have made a deal with the devil if you are able to achieve these results despite the scorching heat!
    Superb band, both for the choice of miniatures and for the palette. Do you know if the watcher is still available to buy somewhere?

    1. Damn if I had I should have included my paints and brushes in the deal, it's a nightmare to work in these conditions!
      I think the rights for the watcher were indeed bought but can't recall who did right now I'm afraid

    2. If it comes to you, please let us know! Would love to have my own copy of this mini :)

    3. It's sold by Fenris now!/FGKCW13-Annuvin-the-Watcher-Plague-Seer/p/313326394

  5. What a wonderfully characterful looking group you have picked to capture the mood and painted in suitably very glum colours.

    1. Cheers mec it was very rewarding, makes me want to do another now

  6. Also been really enjoying Mork Borg, and this colour scheme is amazing. The muted colors make the neon accents unsettling in a great way. I'd also recommend "Death in Space" which is loosely based on same system if you want to play around with some Space Adventure(r)s.

    1. Dearh in space is definitely on ly radar, especially since I've been readin the Dai Dark manga !

  7. Wonderful job, I love that model. Picked mine up from Fenris Games (!/FGKCW13-Annuvin-the-Watcher-Plague-Seer/p/313326394/category=87709265) the other year and thoroughly enjoyed painting it too.

    1. It's got all it needs where it's needed, painter friendly and all

  8. Beautiful, disgusting work on some absolute classics - and a pretty amazing centrepiece sculpt as well!

    1. Thanks a lot ! I should treat myself with a couple of those more often every now and then !

  9. Great stuff. I'm really liking the washed out colours. You definitely made the right decision dodging away from red.

    1. I need to break my own habits some times !
      Thanks !

  10. A very suitable sculpt for a leader. The four eyed face is particularly good!

  11. There is so much detail on these minis ... and the paint job on them is excellent.
