
Sunday 28 August 2022

Goresqualor the chosen of Nurgle


Hey all, Summer isn't the best painting season for many of us but I still managed to get back behind the brushes to finish this guy I had first started as a member of my Forbidden Psalms band.

The modeI is a scupt from Diego Serrate from Knightmare miniatures and you can find it HERE.

Now suppose I don't have to tell many of you where this models gets its inspiration from but in case you're not an old fart it might be worth reminding it's inspired by this iconic piece by Adrian Smith in the Lost and the Damned, the second tome of the Realm of Chaos books.

It depicts Goesqualor, a fallen champion of Nurgle who had a Monolith raised in his honour to tell his story :

Now painting wise, I've gone for mostly washes and glazes on this model, starting from a zenithal undercoat. It is not a process I use much but which I quite like. It was heavily dictated by the weather and temperatures at the time of painting (over 40°C outside) and any layering/highlighting process was made a pain. It explains the rather desaturated look (even by my standards) look, which doesn't photograph as well as I would hope.
Going back to the illustration I also realised there are a few things I could (shoul) have painted another way but I never look at sources before painting. I do think black shiny maggot eyes would have looked better in hindsight for example.

I quite like that little by little, my fantasy forces slowly build, I don't have particular plans, just a vibe I want to give it, I'm eager to explore those shores a bit more in the future.

Next post will be et in a totally different place and mindset but it will be a massive bucket list item ticked off to be sure !
Happy painting to you all !


  1. This is so cool! The paintjob is stunning as always! 😍
    I might even FINALLY get some Knightmare's stuff when I'm done with Oldhammer army project.

    1. Ah cheers mec !
      It's a real pleasure to paint, quite painter friendly like many of Diego's models

  2. Cool: we love artwork-inspired miniatures, and your paintjob (heroic, with the temperatures of the past summer) makes this chosen stand out, fitting him perfectly into your macabre warband.

    1. I don't plan him for a warband at the moment, I kicked him out of the one he was planned for actually but he'll be great at some point when I do more of his kind

  3. That is one evil looking champion! The colours work very well for him, especially the raw reddish-pink.

    1. The base off white has some greenish tint so a reddish pink works well indeed, thanks !

  4. A classic who fits into the warband so well. Fantastic coloring and shading. He looks so gross (in the best way).

  5. Eeeek! That's scary! The sculpt is of course great, but it's your paintjob what makes it look so awesome!

  6. I never tire of your Nurgle color schemes i.e. muted and understated but with color combinations that are so Nurgle. Others might go for garish gore schemes, but I for one prefer the color palette you use for your Nurgle minis :)

    1. Ah thanks ! I do tend tonuse desaturated tones, can't help it, it's how I like to paint 🙂

  7. Great take on this guy! Even though it has take a nice few years LOL, I'm one pile of shame collector as well.... I know how it is :D
