
Tuesday 26 July 2022

Rogue Trader Khorne Renegades

Hey everyone ! Now I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one in the northern hemisphere but temperatures here are not the most painter friendly at the moment right ? They're not paint friendly either but I had a WE on my own and felt like making the best of it so put 10 hours of historical podcast (unusual for me) and just went through the motions.

I should really highlight that the weather here is absolutely not fit for painting, I had to prime in the evening because of the heat during the day and all my usual recipes simply didn't work or not how I'm used to, drybrushing becoming more like clay shaping and washes drying waaaaay too fast for pigments to settle.
Anyway, nothing stops a motivated spirit so I picked some models I could paint in a more painterly style with focus on the general effect more than inidividual features, so I picked those Khorne renegades I had in progress for way too long !

Now Khorne renegades had the kindness to come in 9 which makes 10 with the dedicated heavy weapon bearer and that fills my metric system loving heart A LOT.

I had already painted one of the renegades long ago before I even had the complete collection so I focuse don the 9 others and just overpainted him a bit to fit in.

First are the 3 I assume to be from Kev Adams if you look at the knee pads, weapons and little details like the rear face ^^'

Then a Juggernaught face renegade and two bloodletter heads variants which strike me more as Michael Perry's. I love the Alien like horns and I find the colours fit those even more.

Then another 3 with Bloodletter heads and shoulder horns which push the Alien resemblance even further. The heavy weapon bearer got a plastic autocanon that had its ammo box replaced by a later plastic heavy bolter ammo chain.

As you can see, I didn't go for neatness, technique or anything of the sort, I wanted something raw, antique, unsettling so kept my worn out armours and internal fire.
This army is growing at a slow pace I know but little by little it's getting there and it's now at the point where each God has a bit of variety in troops so I'm a happy hobbyist !


  1. A fine bunch of cosmic terrors mec, they will strike fear into the hearts of normal men, innocent men.

    1. All while screaming internally to keep cool

  2. The black/red colors are still striking despite the heat. Great job working around mother nature. Great models too! So much character in these guys. Stay cool!

    1. All stages were painful but the forgiving nature of them means it still worked ! ,

  3. I'm not lifting a brush at least until mid september

  4. Congrats on completing the Khorne crew! They look superb, suitably ancient and cruel rather than candy-coated like the classic red-n-brass. Also always happy to see 1988 chaos renegades in modern paint, this is easily my favorite line Citadel has made.

    1. It took me a while to "click" on them but now I'm enjoying them greatly !

  5. I suppose none of the chaos gods have 10 as their sacred number because that is WAY too orderly.

    1. 10 is definitely a god of order's number!

  6. These are great. The crusty, dirty and battered armour absolutely sells the ancient renegade vibe. The autocannon addition is inspired too!

    1. Thanks, that's how I like to paint them and like them to look, my goal is to have a really dark menacing tide when I'm done

  7. love how u didnt go with the typical khorne red color scheme. the grim and dark colors, so awesome. these came out great.
    sadly these were before i got into 40k, i always appreciate the old sculpts. i do sometimes come across whenever i find any and scoop them up quickly.

    1. I can be a little contradictory so I tend to avoid stuff that's too obvious 😅, I like to find alternative ways and see different takes on a subject

  8. Yes! Yes! YES!
    I just love your vision for these miniatures. HR Giger would be proud.

    1. Thanks ! I'm glad you feel the connection since that's definitely where I want to take them !

  9. Color scheme certainly make them look positively chaos-demon-like for sure.

    1. I like them to be just a push away from going completely demonic, thanks a lot !
