
Tuesday 6 March 2018

Rogue trader Keeper of secrets

Soooooo, still working on my "tale of several gamers" entry for March, I've managed to paint something easier. Since We're supposed to paint 400pts a month and I have painted 1100 in 2 I thought I could use the spare points and make March an easier month with about 250 pts worth of Demonic lust. ^^
I have finished this conversion about 2 years ago now and I felt now was the time with all the chaos stuff I was painting and especially all the Slaanesh cultists...
The conversion is a rather simple one starting with an original Keeper of Secrets body, using the head from a space minotaur by Knightmare Miniatures and the electro-mechanic bio whip of a Dark Eldar Talos.

The painting was very straightforward since I just followed the same rules I had used to paint the Six Sinners and their leader.
I've tried to give some uneven appearance to the skin so that it would look sick, both to contrast with the darker colours of the gear but also to make it look repulsive (as if a giant 6 limbed sex offender with bull head, gun horn and claws was not enough yeah).

Best part of this is that I now have half of the pantheon painted with Khorned and Slaanesh covered, I don't know when the other 2 will get done but that has boosted my motivation to get on them sooner rather than later.

The Slaanesh force is expanding despite never having any plan to do anything about it but I like the organic growth of it !

Next time, we'll move one to some bigger lad, and size will matter...


  1. I love the head. It provides a nice change from the traditional Keeper of secrets and fits perfectly the rest of the model. :)

    1. As soon as I got the minotaur I wanted to try the conversion and I was jumping all around when I realised it was just perfect !

  2. This reminds me I need to finish painting up my Keeper of Secrets. Really like the purple/violet on the claws.

    1. I have so much stuff to do left as well ! Thanks !

  3. Nice twists to make him/her your own. Your Escher/Champion conversion is a 40K model with chainmail, and so having this Keeper with chainmail on gels well.

    1. I'm OK with mail, Eldar have it as well, and anyway, all the Slaanesh champs I've converted have it, it's probably made of astro-carbon which as we all know has the same stranght as steel but for the weight of carbon. ^^
      Thanks !

  4. Great techno-keeper JB. Adding the space mino head worked a treat. Slaanesh gets to little attention these days it's great to see someone giving him/her some quality painting love. As it were.

    1. Of all the gods, it has to be the god of pleasure being left aside, what kind of times are we leaving in ?
      I have greater plans for them now !
      Thanks !

  5. Beautiful .. neil101

  6. Very good, I do like the Khorne conversion as well

    1. I had to update his base a bit but I still like him a lot ! Thanks !

  7. Mazette c'est l'usine à figurines par ici :)
    Très belle réalisation !

    1. En vrai je l'ai peint en même temps que la championne mais je voulais laisser les gens souffler. ^^
      Je m'abuse bien sur ce projet. Merci mec !

  8. Great now I can't stand up at work, thanks JB.

  9. Lovely JB.

    We could definitely get the sinners into some game plans that I have. The Sinners are simply high end cultists, right?

    If I was a cultist I would certainly consider summoning a giant, six limbed sex offender with bull head, gun horn and claws early on in my summoning career.

    1. They are high end cultists indeed and they should totally take part into those gaming plans. If i was a cultist, I'd probably summon anything just for the fun of it. ^^

  10. The giant sexual deviant looks ace!

  11. Nice work on fitting those bits into the Keeper of Secrets. It's the same basic shape yet no the same mini, cool!

  12. I've never held that mini in hand, so I never knew that it had scars on it's arms till now. Just a small detail I know, but it's something I only just discovered from your pic.

    He looks damn impressive mate and I'm quite sure he'd take great delight it tearing all of his enemies a new arsehole......figuratively & literally!

    Can you school me on your skin technique please? I suck at painting large skin areas.

    Cheers mate :)

    1. Thanks, it's funny how we discover details on models we were sure to know once they're painted right ?
      I don't have a skin technique per say but I wanted him to have some texture to his like he has mild skin issues or the likes.
      I basecoated him with Stone grey and highlighted (pretty roughly) the raised areas with ivory (both PA paints)
      I then washed the whole skin with a mix of 50/50 medium and crimson carrobourgh. I then highlighted back again and glazed some parts with thinned stone grey and ivory to get the skin smoother on some parts like the tit or biceps.
      I then gave another wash of 3/1 medium/crimson to blend things a bit more. If I wanted smooth skin, I would have done things differently but I wanted him/her to say "STD" if you see what I mean. ^^

    2. Cheers JB, I'll give that technique a go. Much appreciated :)

  13. JB this guy looks awesome! Top work! Loving the chaos stuff!

  14. O bloody heck... Love those old KoS and your take is pretty darn fantastic. Just enough changes to an already sweet sculpt to not land in "overkill". Bravo mate.

    Will say though, with the glut of enormous models being released these days (Current trend with Greater daemons, etc), this poor fellow(lass?) looks more like a mutated Ogryn than an imposing Greater Daemon of Slaanesh. :/

    1. Well I think the fact they're more ogryn sized is a plus actually, it leaves room for very larger models (and hence threat) and makes them playable in skirmish level games which is great. ^^

  15. Nice "necrotized flesh" look on the skin.

    1. Thanks, it was a bit tricky to have something that would look like a sick delictae skin rather than just a mess so I glazed it a fair few times to achieve that result, hopes it conveys th eoriginal idea. ^^
