
Sunday 4 March 2018

Lady Woodgin - Slaanesh Cult Dominatrix

Hey, you might remember the six sinners from earlier, well; I've been meaning to upgrade the team from quite some time now but was looking at how to do it right. The arrival of the new Necromunda was the right trigger for this for 2 reasons :
- The magnificent Escher models in the box
- The upcoming chaos cult list in WD.
Oh yes, chaos cults in the underhive, that's how groovy it's going to get.

Now I've had this damaged Slaanesh champ earmarked to be RTfied for a while but I just couldn't find the right pieces to tune her...

Until I played a bit with some new parts during the Christms holidays...

A blue-tac fit showed the potential was here, after discussing it with friends, I changed a few things and cam up with a more elegant version :

Now I have to say I was astonished about how the old lead right leg fitted so well on the new plastic Escher body... Same size, same width, proportions, everything, the cut was clean on both ends and required very limited GS to actually work !

I really wanted to stay true to the original sculpt and I think that Escher body made that work splendidly. ^^

The Six Sinners are now 7 like the 3 mousquetaires, you know... things always are complicated, they'll soon get reinforcements anyway, they'll be plenty more in the end... 
For now, I don't really know what the rules for chaos cultists will be so I'll see how many and what kind of models I'll need to have a proper gang.

There will be some more Slaanesh in the close future and we'll move on to BIG JOBS. ;)


  1. Belle reconversion car c'est un des champion que j'apprécie le moins.
    Mais avec la taille plus fine et le bassin de travers, là ça le fait :)

    1. Oui l'originale a une pose un peu plate mais un petit déhanché et c'est bon, j'aurai voulu tourner la tête mais c'était une autre histoire là ^^
      Merci mec !

  2. A seamless conversion, delicately painted and utterly unique! The new plastic elements add some real depth to the figure, and she's all the better for it. I love the pale face framed by the pale purple mane of hair.

    1. Thanks, she needed to be repaired anyway so I think it worked well in the end. ^^
      Thanks !

  3. A stunning model - the newer parts fit incredibly well. It looks very Blanchian (that’s not really a word)!

  4. I am astounded with how well that turned out!

  5. I love this warband so much._

  6. Wow, man, your potential to see new minis out of bits is freakin' awesome. I love this one.

  7. Ho boy, you absolutely nailed that JB! The conversion is perfection, and beautiful paint job mate - truely excellent.

    1. Cheers Alex, I don't know why it took me so much time but once I had started it I couldn't put her down !

  8. Unreal how it matched up, proportion wise. Looks like a kick arse store bought mini.

    Great work mate :)

    1. Thanks Sheen !
      I really had a laugh when I cut and swapped legs only to realise they were just the exact same size !

  9. "A blue-tac fit showed the potential was here, after discussing it with friends, I changed a few things", wow that's really interesting. I've never consulted anyone else about a conversion before. Cool stuff man. Fits in with the rest of the crew and really adds some flavour to the bunch.

    1. I'm lucky to have a group of valuable friends who provide honest and constructive feedback, it's really useful and enjoyable, especially when they're such lovely blokes. ^^

  10. It all looks brilliant man!!!!!!

    1. Cheers mate, I'm really enjoying working on this little band !

  11. I really love what you've done with this group of figures. It's great to see such creativity pay off.

    1. They've been a delight to work on mainly because I've never had any plan for them, just adding new models when I had both ideas and the will to do them. Nothing beats that sort of motivation. ^^
      Thanks brah !

  12. Houlaaaaa !! Très belle conversion de la fig Escher mon Cher Asslessman ^^

    Bon et le reste maintenant ? XD


    1. Merci ! C'est prévu, on va faire çà bien. ^^

  13. What a great result. Excellent conversion work JB, you have a real knack for it. The warband looking is nothing short of magnificent.

    1. Thanks, I just try to channel my inner Goodwin and let the models tell me what they want/need. ^^

  14. I felt really proud of myself for managing to assemble some Chaos Cultists whilst I was snowed in, then patted myself on the back for chopping and changing the heads then adding some GS gubbins - then I wake up on Monday morning and see this!

    I both love it and see how far I still have to go in the hobby!

    1. There's not much involved sculpting wise on this girl really ! And I suspect we're all thinking about how better what we do could be (I am)!
      Thanks a lot !

  15. Tremendous work on this conversion. Aside from the whip, it looks like an original figure, particularly because you made the laspistol in plane with the body of the figure, more or less how it would have been cast were it metal (rather than pointing up or where she is looking like you might see on a multipart figure).

    The painting is also excellent, both muted and bright at teh same time.

    1. Cheers ! The model is flat to begin with and there was no way to turn the head or move the shoulders without a stupid amount of work so I kept things simple hence the flat pose, it's got more dimension than originally though but sometimes less is more I reckon.

  16. Well, if that isn't the grand hotness of my daily websurfing, I don't know what is. Wow JB, just a smashing rendition of an already cool sculpt(s).
    Loving these chaotic perverts!

  17. Even muted, the colors work so, so well!

    1. I do believe they work because they are muted, it makes the ones that are more saturated a focus and not a distraction I reckon.
      Thanks !

  18. Great work! I hope you dont mind me taking some inspiration from your work for the start of my own Warriors of Slaanesh project :-)
