
Sunday 1 January 2017

So long 2016 !

And here we are again, it's the end of a year and the beginning of another and I can sense you're all dying to know what I have to say about this all (after reading what all the other bloggers had to say about it)...

What I have painted this year :

Models painted : 167

With this 4th year of collective hobbying and intense painting, I've somehow managed to raise my output by more than 50%...
I won't lie, I didn't expect that at all, I just thought 100 models was the sort of limit to what I could achieve but some projects have helped me boost the total number of painted models (thinking about the tyrannid hive fleet and the terrain set).

So glad to have this one done, the biggest model I've ever painted !

Like previous years, I've painted quite a varied bunch of models, most of which expand my main sources of interest, my Rogue Traderish setting, my Fantasy setting and Space fleet.

What I have played this year :

  • I've discovered Mordheim and absolutely loved it
  • I've discovered Frostgrave and absolutely loved it as well
  • Absolutely no Video games. Nothing. Rien.
  • Haven't played much board games this year apart from the usual ones.
Mordheim campaign 
Once again, this year's games were all grouped in small but very enjoyable events :

Rogue tradering at Knavecon
That's 12 games all in all, it could be far better but far worse too, it's about a game a month and I can say in all honesty all of them were played with people I fondly enjoy the company of so that's not so bad is it ?

Personnal side :

  • I have not moved home this year, this is a huge achievement for me.
  • I've got into more Kendo competitions and I still like that. I've also managed to reach the black belt level which is the beginning of the journey into serious territories now. ^^
2016 wasn't nearly as bad as 2015 so a lot of stuff has got better on the personal side. I still want to express my complete gratitude to all the people moving their asses to make the world around more enjoyable. All of you commenting, sharing, giving your opinion and contributing, being nice in a general way, THANK YOU.

Blogging and life on the net :

It seems my blogging has increased a little with about 80 posts this year instead of the usual 70 or so posts. Not an achievement in itself really, it still is very close to the average. My only goal is to keep it steady enough not to tire people or leave te place empty for too long. This place really helps me to focus and steady my output and I still enjoy it a lot after all the time.

Oh and I've got feedback from Rick Priestley on my Abdul Goldberg and from John Blanche as well on my Slaanesh cultist, as much as I value the feedback from readers, I have to admit those made my heart raise its beating pace.

Collecting :

Though I've never been a collector but always more a painter/modelist than anything else, I've managed to get my hands on some pretty cool stuff including some nice confrontation but even other things :

Projects :

First of all, let's have a look at what I had planned last year :

- Space Skaven -> DONE
- Chaos Dwarf Allied contingent for my 3rd army -> Still not happening it seems
- Some Space fleet -> I've painted one army out of the 3 and I've got my hands on more tiles !
- As many chaos renegades as I can -> I've only converted some ad apart from the Blood slaughterer...
- More NPCs and civilians for Rogue trader/40k/confrontation/necromunda -> I've covered that fornt pretty well I think. ^^

So glad to have one fleet done, now of course I need a second but thats a start ^^'

What do I want for 2017 ? Well a bit of the same and some more ! I'll have a season 3 of the champions of Law for sure, some Renegades and plenty of stuff. I have a big terrain project that might take its toll in time bu it should be worth it.

All I can wish apart from that is that YOU ALL have the nicest year possible !


  1. Thanks for all your blogging efforts. I've enjoyed it immensely JB :) Hopefully I'll see you at BOYL this year!

    1. Cheers Ashley, it's great to have good willed people around to make this journey as pleasant as it is, thank you sir !

  2. Great stuff JB, thouroughly enjoyed your stuff this year mate, looking forward to seeing what works of genius we see from the assless one in 2017!

    1. Well it's all a group effort isn't it, Having nice and talented people around does help !

  3. Great review of your 2016! I will continue to follow your blog with interest

  4. Happy New year JB! That dragon and base are a thing of beauty!!!!

    1. Cheers bud, I will probably need to go for something BIGGER this year !

  5. Nice achievements, Frostgrave and Mordheim are really great games; and your poaintings and conversions are as delightfgul as always (and your warband of law is awesome !).

    1. Cheers, they are great games indeed ! I'll have more of what I liked this year and new things too !

  6. Some beautiful work that inspires some lovely ideas for my own work. Thanks for sharing throughout the year.

    1. Well thank you ! The cross polination between us all is an aspect of the hobby I really enjoy !

  7. Did I miss something JB? "So long 206"? Is it some IN joke that I'm not privy too? Or just a simple typo? :D

    Coz I'm not on FB I'm keen to know what Rick & John wrote about your pieces? Really something to be immensely proud of JB, seriously!

    Loved reading & viewing your insanely productive mini output this year again buddy & I look forward to more this year too :)

    1. Just a typo I'm afraid... Well I need to find what they said but RIck was judging a contest to determine who had made the best Abdul and I got a pleasing 2nd place with nice comments. John Blanche just told me the Slaanesh guy was nice and he'd show it to Jez !
      Once again, this hobby journey is good because of all the stuff we do but it's made great by the bonds and links with each others !

  8. Replies
    1. Well thanks ! The continued support and comments are greatly appreciated.

  9. I found your blog through Lead Adventure forum and I am truly amazed. Your stuff is just great and I am gonna visit you site on regular basis. I recently "returned" to the hobby after more or less 10 years break and I hope to improve my really poor painting and modelling skills. I see a lot of inspirational stuff here.

    1. Well thanks a lot, I think we've mostly all had our break at some point. I hope ou find a lot of pleasure in painting, it's definitely the easiest way to progress, like what you paint and you'll like painting it !

  10. What a beautiful selection of minis you've produced this year. Unique, clever conversions with a lovely individual painting style. It's been a pleasure seeing what you produce, and of course even more so to play some games with you this year!

    1. Well thank you, teamwork has paid again this yearI have to say.

  11. That biggest mini you ever done simply looks awesome. ^_^

    1. Well I have a bigger one I should start at some point ! Thanks !

  12. Always a pleasure to stop by and see what you're presenting to us mate. Inspiring stuff always. Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us in this New Year.

    1. Well thanks a lot ! I hope I'll keep providing this year ! ^^
