
Saturday 31 December 2016

Nofore Pleh - Slaanesh cultist in the grim darkness of a far future

So this year, the WIPsters have come up with the fabulous idea of doing a secret Santa. Every does that I know but since the group is relatively small, there was a good chance we'd get a decent present under the Christmas tree at least !

I have to say I wasn't disappointed when I opened my present and got a big ball in it ! 

On top of it there actually was a model inside ! (even better)

Now I already had this model but if you've been following this place a bit, you'll know that I simply can't get enough Jes Goodwin models in my life... And as much as I find most great, I love converting them a lot. That's basically how it all started for me.

So after a deep breath I took the saw out and cleanly removed some of the essential bits of this gorgeous model. Heresy ! I'll hear some say... well, this model is indeed very pretty but let's face it, it's not exactly rare either and the fact it's sought after is only due to the fact it's still awesome all those years after it was first sculpted. Oh and I still have a mint copy so I knew (or fondly hoped) my secret Santa would bless this gesture.

Stick a few modern (and some not so modern) plastic bits et voilà !

I knew I wanted something a little different with this guy, picking from Adrian Smith's vision :

More subtle colours was also something I had in mind. Just like I like seing Nurgle models without green, I wanted to have a Slaanesh one avoiding the rainbow path...

 I played with weathering a bit by adding rust stains in some places but keeping it subtle to avoid too much colours to interfere.
Just for fun I also got my 2 other versions out, the first being the MINT one I keep for a Slaanesh warband (it WILL happen... at some point), the second one being a very poor salvage job I tried to do in the early 2000's from a former Slaanesh cultist for 40k. The parts I salvaged were repainted and new parts were added... Let's just say this was when I got back seriously into painting and that quantity was stronger than quality at the time...

All in all, I'm very pleased to be able to finish this year with this guy. He's been the occasion to test a few things which enable me to move forwards on a couple of other projects so I'm quite happy with that.
Have no fear, there's going to be a review of 2016 soon enough. ;)


  1. Nice work, JB. You've managed to keep the Goodwin feel, whilst totally changing the overall appearance of the model. Sweet paint job too!

    + you got that done way too fast! I'll have to get my WIPster present painted sharpish.

    1. I'm always motivated by good models. Honestly, these champions have just the right ratio of detail for the way I paint so they almost paint themselves.
      Thanks a lot ;)

  2. I wonder if it's acceptable to say I prefer your dirty, filthy sci-fi version to the Jes Goodwin original sculpt? He retains that perversity, but gains added edge, danger and hands-on menace. Thus guy doesn't posture and strut in a pink fluffy dungeon, but he gets hand and elbows deep. Yuk!

    1. It's just something else, you're probably the greatest Goodwin enthusiast I know (as much as I am) so I'm glad you like him !

  3. A great conversion and paint job.

  4. OMG i only just got the name right then... gah! Nice work mec, and merry Creepmas!

  5. It takes a brave man to cut up a Goodwin Champion and achieve a successful end result. Looks lovely JB! Great way to end the year as well.

    1. Or a foolish one ! I've cut up so many of them in my youth I don't feel a single remorse now !
      Cheers Ed !

  6. Très classe ta conversion, c'est la fig de Champion de Slannesh que je préfère!

    1. Il y en a un paquet de cools dans le lot mais celui là est bien cool j'avoue !

  7. Awesome job mate, great conversion and a lovely paint job. I suspect that arse strap would cause some delicious chaffing!

  8. That's a great conversion, with your usual superb painting: a very nice way to round out the year!

    1. Cheers, it's great to have a Christmas present painted before the end of the year !

  9. Awesome work here JB....he ooozes 80's!!!!

    1. Funny, I thought he was more on the sober side !
      Cheers bud. ;)

  10. I know I already said this over on Facebook but I just can't get enough of this mini - especially with the lovely Adrian Smith art - it's just absolutely lovely!

    1. Well thank you, there should be more in that vein some time in 2017 !

  11. Wow! That bravery really paid off. What a great conversion. I really dig the non-rainbow-path Slaanesh feel too. Inspirational stuff as always :)

    1. Cheers, I really like taking other paths for a given theme. I'll try and dig this a little more. ^^

  12. Hey, I had missed this one! Amazing how such simple conversions change the mini so much. Cool!

    1. That's how I like my conversion, simple and effective !
      Cheers !

  13. He's almost unrecognisable from the original mini JB. Just with a head & arm swap you've managed to change his appearance quite drastically! Just goes to show how much the original head took up the overall composition of him in the first place.

    He looks way cool mate! Another one for the record books :)

    1. Well painting the belly all black is also a way to hide the baroque ornaments in a gigeresque way did help too. Glad you like it mate !

  14. Great conversion, and the figure slots nicely into that 40k look now. I can not decide if he is wearing fleshy pants or if he has studded flesh... either is a bit creepy.

    1. He's barge leged I think but I don't want to get too close to ask... ^^
      Thanks !

  15. JB that's a fantastic conversion of an already smashing sculpt. Very much in the style of Adrian Smith's illustrations.

    1. Well, glad yo think it is, even if the colours might differ from what one would expect. A couple of friends would be cool... ^^
