
Sunday 1 January 2017

Scaly and plague mutant for the scavvies

Sooo, I've spent a very quiet new year's eve. I was at home with my son enjoying a quiet night with no noticable noise from the neighbors (unusual and unexpected) and just felt like painting since I'd have many more occasions to parteh. Unfortunately these 2 guys were finished at 00:30 so they're going to count for 2017 !
I had these 2 booked for the scavvie band but didn't feel like painting 8 models right away so I first started with the more human members to then get back to the more heavily mutated members.

The plague mutant is a Warzone dark legion blessed legionnaire and the big guy is your regular Necromunda scaly. You'll notice the scaly is supposed to have a harpoon but since the model was missing bits I decided to take this chance to give a better weapon (I really think the harpoon looks odd and a tad silly). I wanted the gun to look like it was made from scrap to fit the mutant's formidable bulk.

Painting wise, I've kept things very simple with washes mostly and a nervous approach (as opposed to one based on blendings). I think it suits them both and I believe the group needed those guys to add a bit of visual counterpoint.
I won't lie, the big mutant and the ghoulesque guy scratch my Fallout itch too which is always a good thing isn't it ?

With these 2 guys done, I want to clear my desk from projects that have stayed unfinished for too long. I always enjoy a bit of closure so these should provide some motivation for future projects I'm eager to work on !


  1. Excellent! I confess I have never really looked at the Warzone range, finding them generally a tad too over-exaggerated. Your selection is spot on!

    The scaly is fab. Great gun swap, lovely painting. Excellent start to 2017!

    1. Some of the Warzone range is a tad OTT indeed but amongst the madness you can find nice stuff that fits better with other ranges. Cheers !

  2. That Scaly looks great with the converted weapon.

    1. Yeah, just couldn't get myself to let him have a harpoon...
      Thanks !

  3. What a great start to the year.

    I think the gun swap really suits the big fella.

    1. Cheers mate ! Glad you approve of the weapon change !

  4. Man i so want to play Necromunda again :(

    Awesome painting as always with you mate, this gang looks really ace!

  5. I'm absolutely blown away by those skin on these two mate. Great way to kick off the year!

    1. It's really cheap tricks with washes over a creamy white base really !
      Thanks Ed !

  6. Painting on new year's eve. My hero! Cool job there, the conversions work pretty effectively! Happy new year, JB!

    1. Happy new year to you and your little family too ! I had a quiet evening with my son so thought I could put it to good use !

  7. Very cool - off and running already mate, and them's some lovely additions for sure!

    1. Ah cheers ! I've got to set the pace for 2017 !

  8. These look great! The converted gun is ace: really suits the big guy.

    1. The other weapons didn't make much sense for me, even the use of wood seems odd to me. On the other hand I was told rusty guns would most likely not work which is true so I can relate to the artistic licence !

  9. You did great use of this oldie model - I definitelly love this warband and since I still have some Warzone spares I might expand my own Scavvy gang... :)
    All the best in 2017!

    1. Well you do know a bit of Necromunda so seeing some from you would be pretty cool !

  10. I really like the way your band comes together, the yellow touch is great and bring a bit of warmth to the group. Great job :)

    1. I first feared the yellow would be too present but it's OK in the end, it just ties them all together. I'm eager to put them on a table !

    2. Play time with these will surely be great ! :)

  11. Tu ne t'arrêtes jamais toi !! ^^

    Un sacré rendement à n'en pas douter ^^

    Tous mes meilleurs vœux et bon courage pour tes plans ^^


    1. J'ai encore de la marge de progression !

      Meilleurs voeux à toi et aux tiens !

  12. Yeah, I never liked the harpoon gun either. Seemed quite a silly and unbelievable weapon choice the first time I saw that mini back in the day. You've saved him for sure JB, good boy :D

  13. They look absolutely stupendous. I love the soft purple-grey fleshtone -- it's very vivid and engrossing.
    Happy New Year, my friend!

    1. The simple fact he's not like a muscular cabbage does help !
      Happy new year to you and yours !

  14. What a way to end 2016 with a bang! :)
    A belated Happy New Year to you too!

  15. So loving these! Really cool additions to one of my fav of your projects.

    1. Aw thanks ! Well since you like it, I 'might' add some more then ;)
