
Tuesday 27 September 2016

Pack Mootant - Mule of the Wastelands

OK, I kow I've been posting quite a lot lately but today's a bit peculiar. It's been 2 days I'm stuck at home with a bloody headache and nausea. Bless paracetamol and a stupid stubbornness that won't allow me to end a day without at least one small achievement. I've decided to paint what felt like an easy model.

Monday 26 September 2016

25 years of painting (or so) - Battlemasters Ogre

There's a lot of stupid things that come in this hobby of ours. There is. But amongst all of them, there are ideas that made me want to paint an old plastic Battlemasters Ogre rather than one of the many unpainted Jes Goodwin ones I own...

Oh but wait, there must be some kind of explanation, some kind of logic behind all this surely ?

Sort of, yes.

To understand why, we'll have to go back in time a little. I started this hobby back in 1990 by reading (meaning looking at the pictures in) WD and other GW publications (in english, a language I didn't know a word of at the time).
At the time I was painting Revell kits like these :
Of course these kits were way beyond my technical skills (I was 9) but coming from the Lego School of life, I just loved it. I then  started to get my hands on some Citadel models so I got my paints out.
My first models were a blister of 3 tzeentch champions and the first two models I started on were those 2 guys (How I regret I stripped them before taking a picture...) :

But I could feel there was more than what my skills allowed me so I left them aside and when the Battlemasters box was released in 1992, my brother and I were like maniacs at the idea of having 100 models in a box. I decided to start working on the ogre because he was the biggest and most badass model I had ever had in hand.
He incidently was the first model I ever finished !

Here's a little comparison since I'm lucky to still have the guy (with the 25 years of dust that he's gained).

Painting wise, I tried to echo as much as I could bear the original PJ so blue shirt, green on the trousers, red belly plate with freehand, black shoes and loads of blood on the mace ! ^^
See below how I used to just draw lines of darker colours with undiluted paint in the recesses to suggest shades ! See the fabulous basing with a Battlemasters base sawn to roughly the size I wanted and with goblin green sand (and railway flock after that). 
Only enamels right here, no dilution.

Just to be perfectly honest with you people, I did alter him a tad because some parts were just too shitty.

And just for fun here's a little comparison shot along his buddy Hrothyogg (painted a while ago).

As of now I'm feeling quite good with my brushes, they're just the right fun I need, let's hope it stays this way for a while !

Sunday 25 September 2016

Female magus and ranger - Genestealer hybrids

Hi all, here's another couple that goes with the 2 I did last time ! Here's something a little different, a female magus and a ranger !

By now all of you cult lovers should have seen pics of the new releases by GW and I believe we're all excited as hell to get our greasy little hands on the boxes. I have to say I had tears in the eyes at some of the nods like the webber and a few other items.
They're pretty excellent and the proof GW has been very cautious about what people desire for a little while now. I'm eager to add some of the new cultists to the mix honestly !

Thursday 22 September 2016

Space Fleet - Full tyrannid force

AAAhhhh, the sense of achievement when you finally finish an army ! It's been a very long time since I last tasted that sweet taste. And It's probably the first time in my life I've managed to make it happen in a day !

You might recognise those from an earlier post where I was shamelessly showing off bare lead and exposing plans for the future... Well Thantsants' report about his Space Fleet games at BOYL were enough to ignite a fire in my heart.

Space fleet is a very dear subject to me as I've already said HERE and HERE and for some reason I've decided to start with my Tyrannid fleet.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Trooper and Magus - Genestealer hybrids

Following my last post about the limited edition hybrids, here's a couple of new models from a bigger set. If you are wondering about what these sculpts are, well, they're brand new and sculpted by Bob "Patriarch" Olley. I cannot tell you all about it for now but believe me there are some very very nice models in this project, definitely must haves for any old school enthusiast and Hybrid lover.

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Undead astronauts

OK, I have to say last Saturday was a VERY exceptionnal day for me. I took full advantages of a shitty weather and a sore feet from too much sport the day before and I engaged myself in a painting marathon. This marathon was made more than enjoyable by skyping with Paul and Colin, and I have to say being able to talk non-sense (even though I'm the silent one due to language) and seeing other people lick their brushes was a real pleasure and help as we managed to sit for 6 hours straight (almost).
This means I managed to finish 10 models in a day. The first 5 being the INTERNAL OGRANS BROFIST from last time.

Now here's something a little different, it's a little more in line with my zombies from earlier.

Sunday 18 September 2016

Internal Organs Brofist - Death metal band of the future

For some reason, Heavy Metal and painting are completely linked in my head. Well, actually Heavy Metal, miniatures and comic books are sort of a Holy trinity for me. I've already talked about my passion for comic books from the occidental side and the oriental side before so let me develop the musical side a bit.

Thursday 15 September 2016

The rise of the Cult - Genestealer hybrids

This project here has been growing for long time really. It's taken quite a while to gather a good load of models and it's taken another good while to get started on them.
I wouldn't have got round to them actually if it wasn't for an offer I simply couldn't refuse/resist. You'll know a bit more about it but let's get back to our main topic here.
Go back a couple of years back and I got lucky enough to take part in a private commission project that saw the release of a few Genestealer hybrids that filled a few gaps in the blank space GW had forgotten in the old days. Those were mostly sculpted by no other than Bob Olley. I think about 50 sets were made at the time so if you're looking for those... well... I advise you to just fall back to the good old ones or the new excellent ones  released in Overkill.

Sunday 4 September 2016

Ork weirdboy and handlers

I suppose it's been the same for many of us but this beginning of a new school year has been an utter catastrophe for my painting time for me. Working on a big project also requires some inertia and motivation so being force to stall midway is not exactly the most helpful way to do things.
Like every time I need to get back to something, I do something else first, just to restart the engines and warm up a bit.

This time, the model almost chose itself. Last time I had the pleasure to visit my pal Goulven, the poor guy didn't bear to see me winning (in a scenario where noone has never won while playing the orks) and he forced me to go back home with this model to punish me :