
Sunday 4 September 2016

Ork weirdboy and handlers

I suppose it's been the same for many of us but this beginning of a new school year has been an utter catastrophe for my painting time for me. Working on a big project also requires some inertia and motivation so being force to stall midway is not exactly the most helpful way to do things.
Like every time I need to get back to something, I do something else first, just to restart the engines and warm up a bit.

This time, the model almost chose itself. Last time I had the pleasure to visit my pal Goulven, the poor guy didn't bear to see me winning (in a scenario where noone has never won while playing the orks) and he forced me to go back home with this model to punish me :

I have to say this is a sculpt I've been looking for for quite a while before that. It seemed so complicated and intricated from the blue catalogue pages but since I wasn't that into orks, I never actively tried to get it. When I got it in hand, I truly realised what kind of a mad and talented genius Kev Adams is. Believe me, this one is a true mindbreaker but you can turn it all around and look at it from any angle, you just won't find a single fault or shortcut.
It has to be said the mould makers must have been quite something to. Truly a work of art.

The painting scheme is a slavish copy of the one I used for my "Red Sturz" space ork warband just to make them fit with their buddies. The exception being the weirdboy which had to look different both to make him stand out as a special character and to make the whole model easier to read.
I honestly can't say I pushed my limits here, the skin is a bit rushed in hindsight and the blue tunic is perfectible but as some say, done is better than perfect and it blends with the other guys just fine (and they weren't top drawer stuff either).

I honestly can't remember how such a model was played in RT (never really cared about that) but it sure is a fun one I'd love to just play as a heavy weapon (plasma canon I suppose).

Captain Antheus has learnt many lessons in life but one of the most important one was to avoid at all costs loaded weirdboys...

Now I have to get back to the main course after this appetizer though. Time to get serious.


  1. This is a wonderful model and you have done it great justice mec. It's a slice of Kev goodness I'd love to relish myself some day...

    1. Well you're no strangers to the beauty of Adams' orks so this is nice to hear ! I think you'll have a total blast (literally) with this one.

  2. Absolutely stunning! I've often looked at this model and enjoyed the 3-in-1 sculpt. Your paint job really brings it to life - great work!

    1. To be honest, the paintjob is a tad under what I should achieve (green skin mainly) but it is a very fun model that can be quite tricky, it's full of areas you first don't know how to tell apart but it all makes sense in the end, definitely worth blocking all colours first.
      Cheers ;)

  3. I've always loved this model, yours is truly superb. If this is your warming up, I can't even imagine what are you up to!!

    1. It really is a fun model and I wish we had more of that kind really !

  4. I'm sooo intrigued as to what this secret project is, I'm hoping for a diorama.. These Orks look great too, classic model really well painted.

    1. Aha, you might be disapointed then ! It surely will imply things you haven't seen so far but nothing that ambitious though !

  5. Love these dudes. Have one in my "future 2nd ed ork army" filed box, planed to have him waaaghing everyone... Great idea to play it as a plasma canon, very funny

    1. He is fun, can't wait to have him vomit bursts of energy at the others. ^^

  6. J'aime beaucoup ton vert qui est une couleur pas facile à peindre. Well done my friend ;) what's next? surprise? :)

  7. Moi j'adore la photo d'unité... Sont cool tes Orks !!
    Jaune + étoile rouge = Bon choix
    A+ Nico

    1. Merci, ils doivent te rappeler des souvenirs ;)

  8. Never knew of this model before JB. I have to say I'm not much of a fan of the weird boy aesthetic, but kudo's to the casters for sure! I like the green glowing eye's, not an easy thing to make green stand out on green :)

    Rad man!

    1. It's true the clown like appearance of weird boys is not exactly the best part of the concept but on another hand, the model is definitely a killer. ^^

  9. justement moi ce que j'aime c'est leur look déjanté... tous les gouts sont dans la nature :)

  10. That's a great model and you did it proud.

    There were no specific rules for a combined weirdboy and minderz model published at the timend. Weirdboys always had minderz though, so I guess the wound were tracked sperately like some artillery pieces etc.

    Looks great.

    1. They clearly had diffetent profiles in 2nd ed but wasn't sure about before.
      Glad you like it !

  11. Excellent model and an excellent paint job; great work!

    1. Cheers, Adams is like Goodwin in the sense they noth make models that paint themselves really.

    2. Cheers, Adams is like Goodwin in the sense they noth make models that paint themselves really.

  12. I don't remember what this unit does either, but you did a great job! It's a clean retro look for the orks that really reminds me of the "old days"... And models this complex always end up stalled on my painting table, so kudos for finishing it, even ;)

    1. Well this one stalled after I had the skintones done, the intricate details made it quite impressive. I decided to block all base colours first to know where I was going and it helped a lot. Once this was done I finished it in little time actually (given the size of it)
      Thanks a lot !

  13. Think I had that one way back just because it was so silly-fun.

    Regardless of how happy YOU are with them, I think they look ace and fit in perfectly with the rest of the gang. :)

    1. It really is a fun one indeed.
      I know I just see things I know to be there and that people won't notice at tabletop distance but that's probably the sort of feeling that makes us want to improve I suppose ! ^^
      Cheers !

  14. Excellent work man. With orks it's all about the details and you nailed it there. The details are about as orky as they can be ... in a good way of course :)

    1. Cheers, it's true they're all about details. Like the hand grenade ear piece !

  15. Ah, a true classic, and sadly rare. What this model did? Well he's just weirdboy with minderz; Nothing special game-play wise. However Kev did another one where the 2 minderz have him hoisted up in a posture reminiscent of a heavy weapons team. This was the 'firing' position. In the original 'ere We Go rules one of the weirdboyz powers described how the minderz would "fire" him like a gun! Ah, how much more fun the orks once were... :)

    1. Ah cheers ! I'll have a look at 'Ere we go now, it's not the book I'm th emost familiar with to be honest, I was more into chaotic stuff at the time !

  16. Love your stuff. Any chance you have the green skin formula of paints you use?

    1. Cheers, the recipe is pretty easy really, the base coat is the foundation green (gretchin Think) folowed by a diluted wash of Thrakka green then a was hof agrax earthsahe in the deepest recesses. then I pick up raided areas with teh base colours and then highlight it by adding Ushabti bone to the base colour (about 2- steps, very diluted mixes) until I'm happy
