
Monday 20 April 2020

Imperial Reavers Titans - Epic

Hey folks, now today I'm REALLY pleased to share those, I've started painting a bunch of titans a few months ago and the loss of gaming goals (conventions and games planned being canceled) has left me with a lot more freedom as to what to paint !
Now of course this is sad in many ways but there's a silver lining here and that means I can turn my attention to projects that have suffered a bit lately !

Now I had already painted a reaver a while back (you can see the first on the right above) but I've always wanted to have 3 and I especially wanted to channel the vibe from this illustration ! 

The fun thing with the new ones were that they were painted in a very different way with all base coats done with an airbrush so I had to make sure they would all fit together nonetheless !

I also opted for giving the other reaver an alternate head meant for warlords just to give them all 3 a different vibe on top of having different fittings.

I realised I hadn't weathered my original reaver much if at all and that I liked red feet better so I came back on it, I think they look similar enough to be fielded next to one another !

I'm really chuffed to have these done and I'm more than excited to up the scale a little more now that I've decided to break the job into smaller more manageable chunks !

Take care, stay home and enjoy !


  1. I honestly can't tell which have been painted with the airbrush and which wasn't - they look entirely coherent as a group. I particularly like the use of the Warlord head on the tri-turbo laser configuration - it makes it look like a specific class of Reaver for a specific battlefield role. Lovely to see this trio.

    1. That was the idea, sort of a prototype or something, the hand painted one on the right is slightly brighter (thicker coats by brush) but the weathering has tied them all nicely 🙂

  2. Stunning work as usual. Reavers were the best imperial titans from that era sculpt-wise, in my opinion.

    Hope we'll have another occasion to make our tiny soldiers meet

    1. Mec I'm building a table with the hope to play with you again!

    2. i'm ready when you are <3

  3. I love these to bits. As others have said, there's no way for us plebs to tell the difference in painting methods here. Even when you said which one was different I still couldn't see it. Beetleback warlords were up until now my favourite titans....but you're giving me doubts with these lovely machines!

    1. Cheers!
      Next I have a pair of warlords with fancy equipment 🙂

  4. Amazing! Some of the best classic Reavers I've seen so far!

  5. I love those metal Reavers!

  6. You tease and tease us with images of the Imperator! But these Reavers finished means you must be closer to working on that giant plastic beast.

    Lovely work on the trio. I love all the little touches like the Ad MEech transfers and the gun lenses.

  7. I am closer, every minute...
    I thought the marking wasca good way to update them a bit and tie them together 🙂

  8. I'm so in love with all this Epic stuff. These turned out perfectly, you are slowly getting a whole Titan Legion... :D

    1. I'm getting close to a sizeable force indeed, I remember your imperator really made me want to try one!

  9. "The freedom to paint ..." as you put it is so spot on. Sometimes we just need to paint something that brings us joy (pardon the lame attempt at a Marie Kondo pun).

  10. Beautiful job on some lovely Titan sculpts - the warlord head is a great idea! Reavers have always eluded me but I'm slowly working my way to the mandatory group of three one must have! I was going to ask if that was free hand on the Reavers' greaves but no less impressive if they are transfers! The Imperator is obviously going to be amazing (God knows when I'll paint mine!) but is the large Tyranid in the shot intended as Bio-Titan opponent or another project?

    1. It felt petty to have just one really, the imperator is a lot of work, I tried painting the reavers, warlords and imperator at once but I've split it to keep a sense of sanity!

  11. "I'm not building a Titan force" he said... ;)

    1. Honest to god I'm not... Maybe just a sizeable force with options AT BEST

  12. Nice titans. These old Reaver Titans are such quality sculpts!

    1. They're the definite design of epic for me, it's unique
