
Monday 3 June 2024

Rogue Trader Scouts


Hey everyone ! This is one of those days when I can proudly say I've completed a project ! If you scroll back in time to 2019, I painted a force of terminators for Space HulkI painted a force of terminators for Space Hulk.
Reading this and looking at the powerful illustrations, you know the scouts were just waiting to happen ! Well 5 years later they did ! 

See how the scouts proudly feature along their heavy armoured brothers !

I've picked all of the original scouts (not THE original though) plus a couple of Jes Goodwin ones and had my squad of 10 !

I had painted marines and a Dreadnought marines and a Dreadnought in the meantime and even a Land RaiderLand Raider !

5 years later, I'm pretty happy that all the models fit with one another nicely without too much colour disparity despite changing colours due to discontinued references.
The end result is a sizeable force, maybe not an army per se although there is the backbone for one. That's still plenty to pick from and the project got me to tick the Rogue trader marine army item off the list. There are of course plenty of other references I would add but I wanted to paint models that would have sense in a space hulk (well except the Land raider I guess)

I have a very satisfying sense of achievement with these, the painting is not the best I've ever done by far but it's where I wanted it to be, the project has all the models I wanted it to have so I'm a happy hobbyist !
Have fun painting folks !


  1. Those look very good, and it's nice (and in my case rare) to finish a project, too. They're cool sculpts, although the concept is quite weird and very different to the modern variety. They look very Rogue Trader, in a good way!

    1. Punk squires are a weird concept but I reckon the original models make it work, there are even more ethnic features which make them all unique yet all tied, I've really grown into those sculpts I didn't know well.

    2. While they are rather weird, they feel much more "40k" to me than the modern versions, who look like something from a Call of Duty game. I'm impressed by how well the armour works with all the different skin tones, too.

  2. Very retro indeed. Excellent stuff.

  3. Still the best scouts. Puffy shirts make little sense considering their roles, but their character and charm outshines the needs of such utility.

    1. The puffy shirts make no sense indeed bu the huge individuality they each have show how battle forges them into more streamlined killing machines

    2. Remember, if they eat the right brains they can pilot a titan! :)

    3. Now I'm intrigued, I don't recall anything like that

  4. Replies
    1. They're exquisite models without a doubt !

  5. The puffy shirt scouts were sculpted by Roy Eastland I believe. Maybe Jes did the plastic ones. The OG scout is hard to love but I do have a soft spot for him. Great work on them either way. My scouts all seem to find their way into necromunda gangs as opposed marine armies

    1. I LOVE the original beefy scout and have painted one to match Private W.'s version, he doesn't fit well with those though. I reckon scouts do span the gap between marines and necromunda scale conflict very well.

  6. They are truly something. I'm so glad you finished Stage 1 of the project, now you can start collecting the rest of the army :P

    1. NOOOO, I know I could have had bikes, speeders and everything but really this has just reached its goal !

  7. Really great to see these round out the army. The colour scheme translates very nicely to the more lightly armoured scouts - I like the heraldic touches on the kneepads and love the Adam Ant eye stripe!

    1. In hindsight, I could have gone a bit further with the markings, adding some checkers like on the others but they're busy as they are !
      I did wonder for a while which colour to make the eye line.

  8. They do fit pretty well together, nice job !
