
Tuesday 25 June 2024

Inq et nunc - Inquisitor Wendig's acolytes


Hey everyone !

So following the release of my first 54mm inquisitor, I wanted to do his retinue soon after. With a good bucnh of models to pick from, I had to think about the kind of band I wanted this one to be.
I see Joos Wendig as a rather fresh puritan kind of Inquisitor, sort of "by the book" agent but not too broken to make him an overrigid psychopath (yet) so I wanted him to still rely on his organisation and hence have a more military/organised look.
So I picked a couple of models that had similar parts (like the quilted parts) and decided to give a coherent colour scheme.

Monday 3 June 2024

Rogue Trader Scouts


Hey everyone ! This is one of those days when I can proudly say I've completed a project ! If you scroll back in time to 2019, I painted a force of terminators for Space HulkI painted a force of terminators for Space Hulk.
Reading this and looking at the powerful illustrations, you know the scouts were just waiting to happen ! Well 5 years later they did ! 

See how the scouts proudly feature along their heavy armoured brothers !