
Friday 17 June 2022

The Adeptus Painticus

Hey, so here's my second entry for the Gary MOrley challenge on the oldhammer facebook page. The Adeptus Painticus ! Honestly, how's that not the best model to enter for a painting challenge ?

If you're not familiar with the model, it's because it's a limited edition model that was made for the Collecting Citadel Miniature group in 2012 (phew that's 10 years ago) amongst others you can check HERE.

Now I was already painting oldschool stuff then but I wasn't present online much if at all (that changed in 2013) so I wasn't there when it was released. However, I turned 40 a few months ago and got some choice models from friends to soothe the burn and this one was in the lot !

I really love the attention to details Gary put into this guy like the wrinkles at the side of the eyes because he's focusing on details (see below), he's also holding what looks like a space marine model so after first painting it blue, I decided to paint it like the marines I'm painting myself, the scythes of the emperor to add a little more meta in.

He looks like a teenager amongts my more seasoned adpetus mechanicus crew but he fits in with the colours I reckon.
This was a very nice model, showing Gary's talent and attention to details only a painter picks which made it a very rewarding model to finish !



  1. A very cool model for the collection! Really like the little details you gave it like the micro scythes of the emperor model, the hazard stripes, and all the paint colors and water container. Fantastic work as always!

    1. Thanks, all those are nice little touches from the sculptor for us painters and it's a delight !

  2. Haha, I didn't know this mini and it's so cool! I like how you tied it with the rest of your crew and all the details in it. Great job!

  3. Very nice AM! That feels like a great homage to the Golden Daemon image of the demon painting. Well painted and very well sculpted! :)

    1. It is an excellent sculpt and yes I like the hommage to painters it is, thanks !

  4. Once upon a time there was a painter who painted a painter who painted ... and so on.
    A truly delightful miniature for all its details, which you painted very vividly. Are there brushes in the bag that the adeptus wears on his belt on the left? If so, he doesn't like to paint with too thin points...
    This is obviously a collectible miniature, which by the way we did not know; however, we wonder if it is usable for the game in W40k.

    1. There's a strong inception vibe in this one indeed !
      He is carrying a bag of brushes and I do hope they hold a good tip because they aren't 000 that's for sure ! ^^'

  5. What a great mini - never seen it before! Nice paint job too! /Hans

    1. Wow Hans, nice seeing you ! He is a niche one, no question, thanks !

  6. Not only did you enhance the sculpt's expression of concentration, your paintjob drew my eye to all sorts of beautiful details (like the scrolls and gears). And he looks so good in the whole unit!

    1. I discovered plenty of little details all over the model while painting it, I believe it's actually my favourite part of painting a model, getting to know it thoroughly (what a romantic).

  7. Not a model I've ever seen before. Very nicely executed and sits well with your others

    1. Thanks ! It is not the most common indeed !

  8. Incredible details on display here ... all incredibly well painted!
