
Wednesday 15 June 2022

Le Chevalier Ermite de Malmont

Hey all ! So today I'm bringing you one special model !
The chevalier Ermite de Malmont is one of those hobby grails (no pun, almost) for many, an iconic sculpt, not easy to source and therefore quite desirable. "Stop bragging JB, you got one, OK don't rub it into our face !"
Not quite.
The model has been sent to me by a nice friend for me to paint as payment for some models. I would argue that painting a beauty like that is a reward in itself but so was the deal. Of course, with the million projects in progress in my head and on my desk, it took me quite a while to get onto it but since I launched a paintig contest focused on the work of Gary Morley this month on the Oldhammer facebook page, I thought I'd use the opportunity to paint it !
Now since the model was a gift for a friend, I wanted to make it a little special and painted it to the colours of his Hometown Seraing in Belgium :

I was tempted to draw the pattern on the tunic but I'm not good enough for that and I fear it would have made things too messy with most of his chest hidden so I went for a more subtle way.

It's obviously considerably less colourful than its 5th ed original period but I can't help how I paint (much) so that's my version and I'll stick to it !

You can see the Chevalier de Malmont is quite a big hitter with his S8 to S10 hits !

As you can see I've left his base plain as his owner will want to base it according to his other models but I'm really looking forward to seeing him in action !


  1. Fantastic model with an outstanding paintjob; the perfect combination for the challenge! Great job!

  2. Nice rendition of the character! Even with this subdued palette it looks pretty awesome, he looks so imposing!

    1. It never occured to me to paint him an other way but after I was done and saw the flamboyant ones, I had a few regrets ! ^^'

  3. Super fig et belle mise en peinture. Ce bon chevalier a aussi un historique bien sympathique.

    1. Merci, oui j'aime bien le personnage de base en effet !

  4. Great job! For our tastes, the more realistic colour scheme of your choice looks far more suited to a hermit knight than the flamboyant one in the original painting.
    The idea of ​​the blue veins on the magic sword also harmonizes very well with the red and white of the heraldic livery.
    It would be nice to see him photographed face to face with a dragon!

    1. I didn't even think about getting a dragon out but indeed he's fit for the job !
      I know seeing more flamboyant examples make me consider missed opportunities but on the other hand it suits how I like to paint !

  5. Can you translate his rules? I'd love to.use him.

  6. He's got a heavy armour and 2 handed sword (duh)
    Grail and worthiness virtue
    His sword strikes last, gets a S+2 bonus, can reroll the first roll to hit and to wound and deals D3 damages
    He also has a flask of dragon blood he can drink from 3 times in a game at the start of a turn which grants him +D3 in Strength
