
Monday 15 March 2021

Missionary Zealot Pious Vorne - Blackstone Fortress

Hey all ! So as promised, here's another model for my Blackstone Fortress set ! After painting Taddeus the purifier, it only made sense to paint his acolyte Pious Vorne ! I actually started painting them at once but focusing on finishing one after the other near the end.
Pious is the glass canon of the team with that overt the top 40k trademark (yet relatively few skulls) and it was also a good exercise to practice flames since I have some scians ofthe flame for warcry in the pipes. I tried to keep things rather simple on this one with neutral earthly colours (except for her red suit underneath) because of the very hands on approach I imagine she has. 
I have to say I was puzzled by the headpiece and really thought about swapping that head for another but then I realised something odd and silly suited the character more than the fancy ideas I had.

So here's the power couple united

That's more than half the heroes done for now so it's about time I start painting some villains ! I'm working on the cultists but they're gonna be a long haul so I might squeeze some of the easier less numerous entries in the queue to keep a steady pace on the completion of the box and to keep the motivation !

I'm still working on many projects at once right now but all are very entertaining and motivating so let's keep things this way right ? 

Happy painting to you all ;)



  1. Liking that drab palette. Following around after the priest, I'm sure she has no time or funds at all to be able to look all fancy like him. Plus, she'd probably get scorch marks on such finery in any case...

    1. No time nor funds but especially no will, better spend those resources on killi,g more heretics.

  2. Great color choices. Love the flames. That team is really shaping up!

    1. Thanks, it's nice seeing it progress at last !

  3. My massive enthusiasm for seeing other hobbyists interpretation of the Blackstone adventurers is usually tempered with angst over how badly they expose my meagre painting skills.

    In this case, much more so.

    They all look spectacular.

    1. I get how you feel, I'm too used to painting old models and I'm still in the learning curve when it comes to newer plastics, it is a rewarding process though and the models are great so there's a return on investment so to to speak !

  4. Y a pas à dire ils sont vraiment géniaux...

    1. Bah écoute je m'amuse bien sur eux et j'ai trouvé le rythme qui me va bien en gardant le plaisir mais avec un objectif de fin donc vraiment sympa !

  5. Toujours aussi allumeuse celle-là... ^^

    Très belle peinture comme toujours ^^


    1. Les filles au sang chaud tu sais ^^'
      Merci !

  6. Great details on these painted minis, and that last shot ... wow!
