
Sunday 23 February 2020

Mordheim mercenary band - More puff and more slash

Hey there, still working on the mercenary band for Mordheim, I've decided to go with the big hitters now with a champion and 2 sword players.
This guys still have the extravagant style the others had but you can also tell they're more about showing giant pieces of steel through other people's skulls than anything !
The 3 sculpts could hardly be more different in age, style and even scale with the one in the middle coming from 3rd ed, the  one on the right from 4th and the last from the later days, they all have their charm though and the goal on this project has always been to go with model crushes.

I'm quite pleased to have half the band done now and since I've got the hang of the painting process, I think I can do the last 6 in a batch now.

A bit unrelated but I was lucky to get this very excellent rogue trader pirate with a paintjob from the even more excellent Kari of Iron Sleet's fame.
I was looking for a few of the fat ones and was offered a painted version and I'd realy like to emulate the style on mine, I believe I could get somewhere close enough but a close inspection shows confirmed I'l have to seriously up my game to manage microdetails and finesse like displayed on this guy. I'm genuinely chuffed about it as sharing with other painters is the very essence of the hobby for me.

I have a massive gaming campaign ahead of me next week so expect some battle report soon enough, I'll try to honour the stunning work our GM has done over the years to make this happen with my gaming of course and with the best report I can manage without disturbing the game ^^


  1. They are perfect! Awesome paint job Sir!

    1. Surely not perfect but they do fit what I had in mind thanks!

  2. Great work on all of them. I do especially like what you've done with the armour.

    1. Cheers, I didn't want steel plates and love the look of renaissance armours 🙂

  3. Incredible work! I've got that RT pirate on my desk right now waiting to be primed, I may keep this post open in front of me while I'm working on him.

    1. I'll have it under the eyes when I'm painting his colleagues🙂

  4. Un très bon style pour cette bande de mercenaires, bravo ! J'ai hâte de voir les 6 prochains :)

    1. Je bosse dessus, promis je me dépêche 🙂

  5. Your gang looks great, one can feel them pride and self-confidence before entering the city to gets holes drilled in themselves by (un)friendly encounters XD

    Can't wait to read the report..; Even if it's gonna make me super jealous :p

  6. Perhaps it's just the sterling paintjob, but I would have pegged the middle one to be younger than the one on the right! It's less flat, both minimalist with small details in all the right places... this miniature really has stood the test of time! ^^

    1. Guy on the right has the iconic flat YMCA pose many models had during the red era, many earlier sculpts actually were more 3D designed thus harder to sculpt and cast I believe

    2. True enough, the design is recognisable hallmark or its era (the flat design). A lot of the 3rd Ed Blood Bowl miniatures had the same stances. Indeed, there was a rumour that Gary Morley was incapable of sculpting miniatures (that weren't multi-part) in any other way.

      But that's by-the-by, in my opinion, the middle figure looks like it could be a Mordheim figure, maybe even one of the original test pieces! Kudos! :3

  7. C'est choli tout plein, le Mordehim comme le Rogue Trader.

  8. Fantastic. I love their grimy bruised and unshaven faces. I love the matt black plate armour. I love the baby blue puffs and frills. Bravo!

    1. They're mercenaries before anything, I wanted to reflect that no matter the fancy clothing, glad you approve!

  9. Lovely new additions to the warband mec! It's good to see that the older F2 model isn't that dwarfed by his newer comrades. Great work on the grizzled unshaven faces!

  10. These guys worked out extra nicely.

    1. Thanks, and there's still plenty to come!

  11. Nice! You managed to merge them all into a coherent band, no matter how different they originally were. That's quite an effort!

    1. Pleasure mostly and a bit of planning 🙂

  12. Beautiful, beautiful work sir! Just amazing!

  13. Fantastic - I love the muted, greyish skin tones. Just excellent work!

    1. Cheers, I have a thing for muted colours with bright touches to contrast!

  14. Echoing what Suber says… they've painted up as a fantastically coherent gang despite their disparate origins. Love seeing the care you've put in to the puff 'n' slash areas, the muted pallete with flashes of colour works fabulously well.

    1. Well thank you, only replying late so now you have the new ones to judge as well ! ^^
