
Sunday 26 January 2020

Mordheim Mercenary band

Greetings all, I'm pretty chuffed to be able to show you the start of this new project ! It's been taking a while as a back burner but now I feel like I have the good hang of it and should be able to move at good speed !
I've wanted to do an empire/mercenary band for Mordheim for a while now and have been slowly collecting the right models to convey the particular vibe I wanted to channel.

A while ago my friend Ed from Work of Shaitan kindly offered me a copy of a model he had done for personal use based on a very cool illustration from John Blanche :

The miniature was sculpted by Alessio Cisbani who did an amazing job (don't ask, it's not for sale)

Now I also wanted a special champion, I wanted him to look mean and brutal, I think he's a former pit fighter of some sort, think Connor McGregor in the old world. The model is a conversion based on Smiorgan Baldhead from the eternal champion set (and sculpted by Jes Goodwin I believe) with the flail taken from another Goodwin classic.

Now my last model for now will be this extremely cute female dwarf who will handily play the halfling part in the band (Although I won't need her at the start). It's the most excellent BOYL exclusive model from this year, sculpted by the excellent John Pickford !

Which make me really happy since I'm now up to date again on the painted BOYL exclusive models (with a few extras in).


  1. Fantastic! All really interesting miniatures, and your painting is superb as usual.

    1. Thanks, I'm pretty excited to work on the rest now!

  2. Cracking trio JB, they represent the old world perfectly! My favourite is the flail champion (where is his head from BTW?). Great to see Connie painted up too. That weather beaten leather Cape is the perfect choice!

    1. Cheers, the head is a plastic empire guy head, I like to have a few birds hit with one band!

  3. Exquisite work, so full of character.

  4. Great to finally see your take on Alessio's wonderful sculpt! Hats off for having the balls to chop up a Smiorgan figure as well. It's a great result so fair play! Looking forward to seeing this warband grow.

    1. Cheers mec, it's a crying shame it took me that long but I sometimes let a couple of years fly on some projects ! I had a very particular idea in mind and Smiorgan just happened to be the best donor !
      I'll try and have the next 3 done far faster this time ^^

  5. Really sweet! I'm fascinated by the sculpts, of course, but you matched them with your brushwork. Greatly done.

    1. Well, all basic sculpts are from excellent sculptor and I've enjoyed all three, it's often that simple to get a decent result ^^

  6. Love the flail champion. Reminds me of a PC I ran in a campaign long ago and tried to make a mini.....definitely did not acheive what I had hoped for. This one is amazing with tons of character.

    1. That's interesting, this guy will be developped in the future but I had a clear image of an arrogant hot blooded character ^^

    2. Haha. Makes sense, a fiery red head with a flail like a flagellant. Hot blooded for sure.

  7. Tiens ils sont bien ceux-là aussi ^^

    Le gros bourrin au fléau a franchement l'air d'un poète délicat et raffiné sans aucun doute ^^

    La naine est vraiment très choupinou XD


    1. Attends de voir la bande complète et ce sera au top alors !
      Le type au fléau est clairement le genre de gars que les poings (et armes) sauvent des embrouilles ou sa grande bouche et son attitude le poussent ^^
      La naine servira probablement peu (je pense pas la recruter d'entrée de jeu) mais elle colle bien au style je trouve et puis un peu de diversité crénom !

  8. A beautiful little group of characters you have there my friend. Every one a wonderful little personality.
    I've been feeling the urge to make something Mordheim related, how could I not with all the amazing warbands that came about due to the anniversary :D
    It's always been one of my regrets really, that I never got involved with it when it was first released.

    1. I'm a late mordheimer as well but I'm catching up, building bands is tremendous fun!

  9. Excellent work on all your minis. I especially like the figure on the far left on the first photo i.e. the dichotomy between his flash striped pants vs his terrifying weapon!

    1. He's a fun guy right ? I'm eager to paly them and discover more about them !
