
Friday 31 May 2019

Darl Charwyn - Chaos Renegade from the Realms of chaos

May I present you Darl Charwyn, the dark emissary of the chaos gods on the remote system of Bramkidge. You might remember him from a few posts ago and he's going to be the leader of my renegade force this summer for a campaign held at Warhammer World with my friends.

Just so you don't have to scroll back too far away, here's how he was in febuary (ouch, how time flies...)

Painting wise I tried to keep colours that will make him fit with all the other models (half of which are already painted) but I tried to go a different way than usual, first of all because I see him as a rogue character so he had to feel unique and also because I was inspired by Colin's renegade.

Now amongst the entries I needed for this campaign, I had totally forgotten an objective marker was asked so I quickly modelled one

It's probably not very original nor evocative but I do think it says "objective marker" clearly enough so although it's lazy on the modelling side, I think it will be efficient on the gaming one.

I now have a  bit more than half of the band painted so I guess a picture of a few of the guys involved is in order right ?

Next step : a bunch of orks and a new entry to replace the beatsmen I was too lazy to convert and paint I replaced by a new roll on the retinue charts !


  1. He's a suitably imposing unique leader for the warband. I really like the use of teal and orange-red colours on him - the texture in the red armour is really nice.

    Great stuff!

    1. Thanks, you guys have set the bar quite high !

  2. A great conversion but the handgun does look unfinished.

    1. It is a bit shitty indeed, I have no idea how ti fix it and very little motivation to do so but you're absolutely right. ^^

    2. Paint the end silver then wash it. The vent grill thingy just a wash of ink should do.

    3. Good idea, I'll try something like that ;)

  3. Great stuff mate, i can already feel the jealousy that will overwhelm me when you'll share pictures of the campaign itself...
    Bad luck on the weapon roll though, he's not gonna hurt anyone with his gum-gun XD

    1. Hopefully the other guys can help, he'll be decent enough in combat though and the graviton gun might come in handy in a few occasions.

  4. WooooW! Excellent work again! :)

  5. As long as the other warband members aren't illiterate then they'll know what that objective marker is for. Clever dick :)

    1. I was wondering who'd try to figure that first !

  6. I do really liket he onjective marker. The skulls at the bottom give it the air of a still life arrangement. They're like grimdark oranges and jugs of water.

    1. I tried to channel the Ikebana I've been taught into this composition. Thanks for noticing.
      I thought your eye would have been caught by the markings though ^^

  7. What's his background? An ex-Explorator from the Space Beagle?

    1. I'll probably elaborate on his background when the whole band is done and after the campaign has been played but it could very well be that sort of thing indeed. ^^

  8. Those Skitarii heads look good on anything :D
    I've always loved your blues and reds, and how you combine them. Cool!

    1. Yes the whole box is a goldmine for all sorts of stuff really, I'm going to get another box for sure ^^

  9. Je suis pas sûr d'avoir compris à quoi il va servir exactement, cela va être pour quel jeu ?

    En tout, une bonne tête de chaotique Du 41ème millénaire !

    1. Alors on fait une partie de realms of chaos qui est un supplément chaos pour la V3 de Battle et la V1 de 40k, ça consiste à générer aléatoirement un profil de renégat (lui) et une bande d'acolytes pour jouer une campagne cet été. ^^

    2. Excellent !
      Hâte de voir tes retours cet été alors :)

  10. It's fitting for a chaos renegade that his/her/its head looks slightly off center due to its mutated(?) left shoulder. That's how I see it anyway :) Both Darl Charwyn and the objective marker look fantastic.

    1. Thanks ! making him slightly twisted was important to get an "off" vibe despite the lack of apparent mutations, I wanted him to be unsettling in a discrete way.
