
Saturday 13 April 2019

Marauder Beastmaster and Chaos hound - Make a Trish !

Well this pair was unexpected but it was a real refreshing one !
If you're on Facebook and follow oldschool and oldhammer miniature pages, you might have read some of Trish Carden's excellent posts about her work. Like many people, I've found those posts to be extremely enjoyable because of the hindsight it provides on the design and constraints of the time.
I think I'm also fascinated because to be perfectly honest here, I just never had considered which sculpts were hers and which were Aly's amongst the famous Marauder range. I can never tell which Perry twin sculpted what and I really find it's a pity we don't aknowledge sculptors more.
With all that in mind, some friends and I thought about painting some of her work and make Trish pick her favourite. Like all brats, we want to be mom's favourite y'know. ^^

I had a few possible candidates but I wanted something iconic I knew I could paint quickly and then I just remembered Trish posting about the Beatsmaster !

I realise I'm missing the scorpion tailed hound but I'll get it at some point ... I hope.

The good point about it is that she gave me tips about painting in her description of the models :

The Beastmaster himself had to look imposing and strong, able to handle his hideous Hounds. He’s in total control of the beasts and I imagined his eyes blazing red through the slit in his helmet as he used his whip to keep the hounds in line.
I gave him a mix of cloth, armour and fur to make him interesting to paint with the chance to use lots of colour and texture.
His hounds are both blessed differently by chaos, one with a scorpion tail and the other with two ferocious heads. Neither of them EVER sit to order!

My painting output is far from what it was last year and I'm bound by several comitments so these two were absolutely great to get my mojo back and tick to icons off the list. Just so that it felt extra useful, I tied them with the chaos Thug I had painted some time ago for Gorechosen and I think they make a good pair !

Next on Leadplague, maybe some monopose monstrosity and surely some fun Space Hulk stuff !


  1. Lovely! These look rabid and dangerous- full of hot frenzy. I hope this is the start of a warband to oppose your warband of law?

    1. Well now there are 2 of them, I have little choice left ! ^^'

  2. Well it is your contest, so glad you are first out of the gate. You’ve raised they bar high for this one. Looking forward to seeing what everyone else comes up with as well.

    1. I know there are some solid contestants and I wanted to make Trish proud of us !

  3. Nicely done JB. The detail on the back is particularly nice. You have done a great job on evoking his character.

  4. Love it! Now I have to politely ask you to withdraw from the contest 😂

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, any chance of seeing you take part ?

  6. Nice to see the contest get started mate! Great choice of models; I'm sure she'll approve. Good choice of colour schemes. I love what you've done with the hound's faces. I hope to see your regular input levels replenished!

    1. Cheers Ed, Output levels might get better at some point, the main thing being to enjoy it !

  7. Dammit, you made me regret not being on FB. Specifically about your work, I simply love your personal art. So recognizable, no mater what. Magnificent!!

    1. You have plenty of time to get in the ring !
      Cheer mec, greatly appreciated. ^^

  8. These are absolutely wonderful!! Do you know if there's any reason Trish primed hers green?

    1. Thanks a lot !
      I don't think she primed hers green, these are the originals she sculpted out of Kneadadite AKA green stuff, hence the green colour. Those were copied to make master copies from which production moulds were made.
      It's why originals are often called "greens" as well. ^^

    2. I'd thought of Greenstuff, but then I thought no, those couldn't be the very originals! That's even cooler

  9. Great paintob, as usual. And lovely figures!

  10. Fantastic pair ... I love how the greenish tint on the beast's skin tone helps to bring out the reds on the Beastmaster.

    1. Thanks for noticing, I found it important to tie both the beat and its master !

  11. Je n'avais jamais vu le dos de cette fig et pourtant elle me fait de l'oeil depuis plus de 25 ans. Très cool cette peinture au passage, celle du chien encore plus :)

    1. Merci ! Oui c''st con mais dans les catalogues on voit jamais les dos des figs donc on les découvre en peignant !
      J'ai traité les chien et le maitre en même temps mais avec des approches très différentes avec principalement des lavis pour le chien et un mix entre aplats bien francs et des zones désaturées pour le gusse, du coup une partie de la palette est commune mais rend différement sur les deux pour les lier un peu mais les distinguer. ^^

  12. This was a really strong way to open the competition, setting the template for entries. Thanks for putting in the time and effort into organising it and keeping people motivated throughout!

    I really like how you approached the hound – with several desaturated colours for the hide, then getting vivid splashes of purple and red on the focus areas of the eyes and mouth.

    1. Yeah I thought using the same palette but in really different ways on both the hound and master would be interesting, I'm glad it shows actually !
      It is a real pleasure to see how well people responded to that event and made an effort, I'm really chuffed.

  13. Vraiment excellent, j'avoue être assez fan de cette armure rouge. C'est ce sue je fais pour mes khador mais je ne l'avais jamais vu transposé comme ça en fantasy c'est top.

    1. Merci, c'est vrai que c'est le même genre en effet, j'aime bien triter le rouge de manière bien saturée et vibrante comme çà, ça donne du punch aux figurines !

  14. if you are still looking for that hound with the tail there is on on ebay now

    1. Cool thanks ! I don't do Ebay now though, so much to paint left ^^'
