
Saturday 11 August 2018

The Null Steersman - Oldhammer exclusive

I just have to admit it, BOYL is over and it was only a week ago ! Like most people attending and taking part by playing and socialising, I feel a little post-BOYL blue (that's a thing).
Honestly, what better way to still ride the vibe than to paint the exquisite special model we were offered there ? Right ?
We've been used to having great models throughout the years now but I have to say this one is remarkably good.

The first thing about it is that it's the most improbable combination of niche references in a community that's the niche of a niche...
Let me help you here if you're not into those cryptic concepts. The Null Steersman obviously refers to the Nuln Spearman, probably one of the most iconic old models because of how rare it is. I won't do a complete history of it since Steve already summed it up greatly so read his story.

Porting the Nuln Spearman to Rogue Trader was already a good idea but the people who were running the project added an extra layer of g33ky sweetness my mixing in another madeleine de Proust of ours :

Now I'm a huge Space Fleet fan so having models of these guys has always had a huge appeal. Sadly, none have ever been available.
Until now.
Will beck was commissioned to do a new version to mix both concepts and every little detail is here, just right...

Now John Pickford is a great sculptor, we know that, but I have to say he really did a great job here, the model is heavily inspired from a Jes Goodwin design and well, to be honest, the model just felt like painting a Goodwin model.

I was tempted to wait a bit and gather a small group of space crew but on the other side I was reluctant to delaying this magnificent model. I'll keep those at hand until I know where I'm going.

So here are the Null Steersman and Olivia, the 2 latest Oldhammer event models. It's absolutely smashing to have models of such quality waiting for us when we go to BOYL so I would really like to express my most sincere thanks to all those who make this possible, from the organisers in the shadows to Wargames Foundry who are the best hosts possible !

So that's a new model painted after almost a month without brushes ! It's also a special one since I've now painted as many things this year as last year ! Time to break another record !


  1. That was quick, and a very nice job too. It is a fantastic figure.

    1. It's been a week now ! It was time !
      Thanks !

  2. Brilliant job - can't wait to see the rest of the crew with some paint on them!

    1. It's not just about the crew now, I have scenery and games in mind as well !

  3. Ahhh - show figure, was wondering where he appeared from. I have always wanted a range of these - great rendition of the artwork.

  4. Tu donnes sacrément envie de vous rejoindre au BOYL l'année prochaine, rien que par la peinture de ta fig. J'aime particulièrement le vitre et les optiques qui dont ressortir le tout.

    Puis-je ajouter ton blog au blogroll de mon propre blog ? J'aime beaucoup ce que tu fais et ce serait un plaisir de partager ça.

    1. Ah mais bien sûr, je ferai de même !
      Merci à toi !

    2. C'est fait, LeadPlague et dans la place, merci !

  5. Awesome work, man! That is a great little sculpt and you've done a bang-up job on him!

    1. It's a great model to begin with, it was a real treat to paint !

  6. Nice, good work. Mine is 50% painted.

    1. I'm eager to see it, it's always fun to see many takes on a single model !

  7. Awesome job buddy! Now get stuck in on those Astropolis minis.

    1. I have a few planned but you have to paint the Steersman ASAP mec !

  8. Any chance these might appear someday for the poor folks who didn't/couldn't make it out for BOYL? Or are the molds cast into the fire of mordor after their limited run....

    1. Some of us brought spares back home for the other events like in the US, Australia or France, Attending an event is the only way I'm afraid. ^^

  9. I'm so damn jealous! The concept is 12 out of 10, but the brushwork makes it even better!

  10. Excellente peinture. J'adore ton style.

  11. Really nice job, the palette is really nice.

    I wish that I handled my post BOYL blues as productively.

    1. It's the only way I know to cope with it ! ^^

  12. I like how you painted him. Nice recap of the design origins as well. It's going to be hard to erase the memory of all these excellent paint jobs by the time I get my hands on one.

    1. It's precisely why I have to paint those kind of models early or I get lost by all the cool paintjobs. ^^

  13. Love that sculpt, probably my fav of all the BOYL events. The shoutout to the ship's crew is so cool. As ever mate, lovely painting.

    1. Cheers, It's one of my favourite and that says a ot considering the previous years.

  14. I always love it when the simplest color schemes looks so good. Add some blue and orange into predominantly gray hues and it all looks great together.

    1. I really did want to have this old navy look but with a touch of sci-fi. And I'm a sucker for the old Blue-orange combo as well !

  15. Lovely job!

    You've also photographed it from the low angle that stops the mouth-vents looking like Rick & Morty lips (a pitfall other versions have fallen into).

    Looking forward to seeing this alongside your Moderatus!

    1. A fluke really ! I always try to photograph the models so that the visible upper part of the base is as high as the rim (rule of thumb).
      Thanks !
