
Sunday 12 August 2018

Cool and hot - Being a Bratt in the underhive

Well as expected, playing Necromunda has made me want to... play more necromunda. And it's also made me want to upgrade my bratt gang which isn't much of a gang for now if I'm being honest...
Since I managed to get my hands on the sweet limited edition guy with sword and my mate Rochie gave me one of the armless gangers in a trade (thanks mec), I took the opportunity to add a bit more serious firepower... 

Painting on those was pretty straightforward since the whole point was to make them fit with the rest of the gang really !

For some reason, I wanted the one with the plasma gun to look like he's combing his hair but it does looks a bit like he's scratching his head (although his head is actually 1 foot underneath all that mane of hair).

My friend Jon/Axiom has been using the Escher list for Necromunda and I think that's the most fitting list to work from. With only 8 gangers (not counting the one soiling his pants on the ground) I need a bit more man power and especially long range weapons)
It does look like something I could use soon (and I already did last year actually).

With the heat cooling off a bit for now, I should try and have some models primed before it becomes silly again ! I see opportunities and ideas all around so I'll need a bit of focus !


  1. Love that facemask with plasma gun combo. Presumably it's heat shielding and non stick. ;)

    1. There are straps attached to the mask, and I suppose he just doesn't want his make up flaking every time he shoots !

  2. Top la peinture une fois de plus. Étant relativement inculte en matière de necromunda, c'était un gang qui existait dans l'ancienne version où juste venue du fluff ?

    1. Les bratts viennent de la première version de Necromunda lorsqu'elle s'appellait confrontation et avait été publiée dans le WD en 1991. C'est un peu obscur mais c'est vraiment une période que j'adore et que je trouve inspirante !

  3. I really like the two-time jacket on the limited edition guy. Nice to see something interpreted in a different way. These really are looking like a great gang.

    1. Thanks ! I always like different takes on a model as well so this is fun really !

  4. These are amazing. One of my regrets is not having obtained some of these old Confrontation miniatures when they were new and current back in the early '90s.

    1. I bought a lot of models via the mail order service up until late but there are plenty of things I wish I had spent more cash on really ! ^^

  5. I hope to one day have my own Bratt gang, but in the meantime I can take pleasure in getting to play games with yours (and Axioms) on the table, which is the next best thing :)

    Now that their numbers are expanding, they are looking quite a bit like British "redcoats" when all together.

    Lovely and vibrant too.

    1. HAHAHA The Thin Bratt Line. ;) They look great JB.

    2. I really like that we've come to that point where we can scratch each other's itches with our projects. I get a genuine satisfaction from you guys nailing some ideas I would have loved to have/do/finish. It gives me a sense of achievement and completion beyond what I do on my own and feels like the whole is worth more than the sum of its parts.

  6. This awesomeness has no end! Great!

    1. It will have one but in a couple of models only ^^.
      Thanks !

  7. All together they look fantastic JB. Great colour scheme you've chosen for them mate. I wanna blast them and all!

    Awesome :)

  8. These look awesome. I had completely forgotten about your Bratt gang. Simple, but effective, color palette.

    1. It's honestly a colour combo I use a lot but I can't helpe it, I like it !

  9. Great figures!

    Since you have the "redcoats" as up spire oppressors, your next gang should be proper revolutionaries with bicorns in blue and white. Vive L'Empereur!

    1. Now there's something here, although I do have a full gang of scavvies ^^

  10. Those two are fantastic characters and great additions to an already sweet looking gang.

    Have you tried Kill Team yet, and if so, how do you feel it plays versus Necromunda?

    1. I haven't played Kill Team yet and haven't even read the rules, there's far too much stuff around right now !
      I'm thoroughly enjoying Necromunda for now but I guess that KT itch will have to be scratched at some point !

  11. Whole gang looks fantastic as does the latest addition. I wonder if a few of them had had reverse color schemes i.e. orange hair and blue shirts, would the color scheme still work? Perhaps purely in terms of color aesthetics but surely not thematically.

    1. That's an intersting idea, actually, it's a pretty good one since I'd like to add the new Bounty HUnter to them, it would be a fancy way to do tie them while still making him different!

  12. Lovely job. You've done a great job getting the smoothness on the leader's face. He looks right like Adam Ant in that jacket.

    1. Thanks, I'm glad you say that since I had to resculpt part of it after it got flattened in transport !
