
Monday 2 July 2018

Slanns in Spaaace - Ribbit and Rock it !

There are some prejudices you just have to embrace, and what can I say about frogs apart from the fact I love them ?
It's been exactly 6 months since I last painted a giant frog from the future and those guys above were actually started at the very same time...
So what happened ? Well, for starters I think I was a little ambitious when I decided to paint 14 models in a single batch, especially with that many colours (something I never ever do really). You can also add the fact that I engaged in a stupid number of hobby comitments and that midway through painting I had another idea to paint them which would have meant stripping them all and starting back from 0 when I had spent quite some time on the skins...
Fast forward 6 months et voilĂ , I had forgotten the super duper idea that made me doubt and I needed some closure on some neglected projects so here they are.
I have to say it's been a real challenge for me to use that many colours on a group, I'm not sure I feel entirely OK with that, feels like wearing Desigual clothing outside, but I guess if there ever was one project that could go away with it it would be this one !

So I divided the group in small sections, mixing old Citadel models from Trish and others from Katsina.
The first group is the assault group which has all the combat weapons. I've decided to make the whole group playable in either fantasy of sci-fi settings so I opted for some weird magical alien stone for their weapons and their shields have some glowing runes on them as well (which I forgot to get in the photos).

The next group is the one with the scouts, I really love the one with a blowpipe and amongst the old ones, Olassa in green is probably my favourite, it's just a spendid little sculpt. Gaming wise, since, I'll likely use them with Necromunda, I'll use them as juves I think, I just need to figure out if I want to make them Eschers or VanSaars.
I hope you guys like the nice neuro-disruptor, such an iconic RT weapon.

Then here come the warriors with heavier firepower with Sgt Yoitz in the middle . All of them are Citadel models but the one on the far right with a railgun who's a Katsina sculpt. This guy came with 2 alternate weapons and like often I just couldn't make a choice so opted for the magnet option.

If I ever need Slanns with more simple weapons I can just swap the railgun for a good old fashioned halberd ! 

Now with all those guys, I think I have a solid base for a nice little gang, especially if I consider the fat Slann I already had. Time to pick lists now !

Now BOYL is approaching at light speed so I need to really focus on what I need there and that means a bit of work in the coming 2 weeks, it will be worth it though, I'm sure of it, like every time so that's a nice target to have in sight really.
After that, I should be a bit more free to do as I please which isn't a bad thing at all considering the number of models I've prepared and which are just staring at me from the desk !


  1. Awesome they look wonderful.
    A nice mix of Citadel Slann and the Katsina miniatures. I love the neuro-disruptor and the mix of the weapons. Of course, the painting it great. The skin tones are lifelike, and the glowing weapons are a nice idea giving them that techo-magical feel. I like the colour you have used for the armour and weapons, it reminds me of the Stargate Goa'uld. I was considering something similar when (if!) I get around to painting my Diehard Eru-Kin.

    1. I wanted to avoid metals apart from decoration purposes so I opted for materials that look a little Pulp Sci-fi and alien.
      And I'm especially glad to have the approval from the Slann Master Lee !
      Thanks !

  2. They really are lovely! My own slann are also very much overdue, but they can wait another 10 or so years ;)

    I've always been fond of Scchloi, and I love the sickly green-yellow skin you've given him.

    1. I have more of them to do but I've learnt a few things this time so they should be faster this time ! You've opted for a more cohesive approach which I like better in the end.

  3. Replies
    1. Colourful is not something I usually like much you know, some projects open doors... ^^
      Thanks !

  4. Spectacular work, man! I love 'em - Always awesome to get olllld models back on the table!

    1. I've added new ones because the old ones are rare as possible but it's a fun project I'd like to expand if possible. ^^
      Thanks !

  5. Jaw dropping bunch of slimy space frogs my friend ! Very subtle mix of tones and colors and the mix does work perfectly. They'll be perfect in any back alley gang fight :)

    1. I don't think I'll get them out for every occasion but I like to have them at hand for some scenarii !

  6. Nice, I had forgotten about your plump Slaan. You don't think Scavvies is the list?

    1. Could be good indeed but I already have scavvies and there still isn't a scavvy list so far ^^

  7. Outstanding once again! Despite your doubts all those different colours work together beautifully and really make it look like a gang of extraterrestrian frogs gone wild.

    1. They work but they did make the process rather painful. I also tend to be pretty specific about colour choices so I've broken a few of my own rules here. ^^

  8. You have done a great job bringing those sculpts to life :).

    1. I barely woke them up with a kiss, you guys gave them life. ,)

  9. What a delightful group of adventurers. And why shouldn't bipedal frogs have their fun in space, too?? Well done with the color scheme - it is bright but still coherent and not too gaudy.

    1. Thanks ! I tried to desaturate some of the colours to make things a little less eye catching and busy.

  10. This has me itching to paint some Katsina phroggs now... it's all too wonderful mec!

    1. Mec, they're mostly naked, think about all that flesh... and those sweet sweet thighs...

  11. By themselves they look great but together they look fantastic due to an excellent color combination.

    1. Thanks ! It's unusual for me but it was fun !

  12. Lovely skin tones JB, they look really smooth. Is that an "off the shelf" neuro-disruptor?

    1. Cheers, the neuro disruptor is actually one of the parts that came with the Bizazas (Katsina's brand of frog people). ^^

  13. They're awesome !
    I really like the work you did here.
    What kind of magnet are you using for such small parts ?

    1. It's 2mm by 1 mm discs from supermagnete, really handy for that koind of thing. Thanks !

  14. I really do like Slaan, always did. All stemmed from reading the short inclusion in Ian Watson's Space Marine novel.

    These are fab, and I'm glad you went with the multi-colours option cos the finished result is sweet and they really pop as a unit of... frogs. In space.

    1. Thanks, that's good to hear, I still think I should have gone for something else but they're done which is the main thing. ^^

  15. I know I'm a little bit late at the party but I also have to say: This is one of the prettiest space frogs crews out there.
    I've bought some space slanns in the last couple month and I'm pretty interessed in how you tried to desaturate the colours and which colours you were using at all. Do you perhaps got some memories, how you do this great group?

    1. Hi, never late for frogs !
      This is probably the most colourful band I have but to desaturate I use mostly 2 techniques which both imply the same idea : using grey.
      1st thing, I mainly highlight my colours with a form of grey (cold colours)or off white (bone) for warm colours, with the exception of red, I find it's always easier to bring back a bit of punch with glazes if it's too dull but I do not fancy painting saturated colours (I like others doing it though)
      The next thing is that I alway incorporate a sort of grey between colours (not easy to see on these and avoid having saturated colours next to each other at all costs, I also very rarely use pure whites or blacks, just light and dark greyx, keeping black and white for specific uses to add real depth or light.
      I honestly can't tell which paints I used (I do know I used the old foundation yellow for the yellow frogs though) but I use paints from too many ranges to remember any ^^
      Hope it helps, thanks !

  16. Oh that is really helpfull. thanks! I've tried to paint a first few of them but they turned out too aggressive. so they get another break at the aceton-substitute. I will try the grey and off white methode (and the old foundation yellow as well).
