
Sunday 25 February 2018

Warhammer underwolds Shadespire - Garrek's Reavers

It took me a while after Steelheart's champions but I finally managed to paint the second half of my box of Shadespire !
To be honest, this is the first time I paint all the models from a single box so that's quite an achievement ticked !
Just like for the Stormcast, painting the Reavers proved to be quite more challenging than expected due to my muscle memory being entirely focused on painting old lead.

For those guys, since the flesh was a big part of the look I opted for a more "painterly" way of doing things, not trying to achieve any perfect blending but trying to get some variations in the tone with some cold and warm tones to make it more interesting, following the path of greater men from before :

Now you might have noticed I converted some of the reavers slightly as I simply didn't want my khornates to look like Hipsters :

So with a pair of mohawks kindly donated by unwilling Necromunda Goliaths, I could start painting the Reavers.
Now I knew I didn't want to go full red and brass on those so I discarded the latter right away and kept the former to the bare minimum because I like painting red and it will be just the right counterpoint to my Stormcast's blue.

Garrek Gorebeard

As always, I've used a lot of greys to keep the tones down and make the reds flash and stand.
The armour parts were treated in weathered black because there were simply too many elements echoing the berzerker armour from the manga Berzerk (a must read if there ever was one really). The influence on Garrek's and Saek's parts is obvious.

See ?

Blooded Saek
 Another thing about those models is that they are waaaaay more fragile than what I'm usd to and it's no surprise I managed to break one of Karsus' fingers (won't tell which)...

Karsus the chained
I haven't really thought about deck building for now since I wanted to get both teams painted before anything else but I might consider looking at what I have and what can be done, can't harm can it ? ^^

Like for the Stormcast, a huge appeal of this band comes from the fact that it's a small and easy project, 5 models a side without any risk of it turning into something bigger definitely was the trigger for me along the couple of games I played.

Now this is the real reward, all the content of the box done and good to play ! I will very probably treat myself with one or 2 of the new bands, either the Skaven or the undead for the miniature although I suspect the dwarves would probably be more adapted to the way I play (without subtelty).

In the shade spireness of a far... oh wait...


  1. Great colour schemes! I like the mowhawks! I'm just finishing these guys myself, but they are entirely conventional in colour.

    1. Cheers ! I'm eager to see what you did with them !

  2. Replies
    1. Regarding the miniatures,if you found the reavers fragile you should definitely steer clear of the undead! If you like unsubtle you might want to take a look at the orruks.

    2. They do seem fragile fut also frighteningly compelling, I've been wanting to paint them since they were previewed.

    3. They are lovely to paint.there is no denying that!

  3. These look great done in your signature palette. I'm painting the Slayers, and they have annoying component joins cutting through the flesh. Do the Reavers have it? How did you deal with it?

    1. I don't recall anything painful during the assembly of either the Stormcast or Reavers, actualy I find them amazingly well designed for pushfit models. I'm realy looking forard to seeing your take on the Fyreslayers.

    2. Ultracurses! I've been puttying up joins between muscles for hours now. I wanted every other Shadespire faction to share that pain.

    3. My "screw that" threshold is also considerably lower than yours. ^^

  4. Une bande absolument superbe avec beaucoup de personnalité !

  5. I love the skin tones on the white dudes, really smooth. Love the gory Khorne branding too, looks scarily fresh. Hipsters are way cool bro, just ask them, they'll tell you.

    1. Cheers man. I really don't know what is hip these days it seems. ^^

  6. Jaguar God for the win! Perfectly executed man.

  7. Quotieng Frazetta and painting mohawks in the same post : what's not to like ?
    I like how you've toned down the skin tone on those. They are usually overly reddish and unrealistic, while yours look perfectly great.
    The Goliath mohawks fit perfectly and adds a little bit from the Ken, fist of the north star series to the group. Awesome !

    1. There's a bit of Hokuto no Ken in those I reckon, Glad you like them !
      It's true I wanted something less reddish with them so that's cool you like it as well.
      Thanks mec !

  8. Wow, the job you did here on the skin tones is superb. Tremendous work!

    1. Cheers, I wante dto do something a little different, the photo makes it look smoother than it is but also kills some of the nuances I'm afraid. ^^

  9. Cracking job mate, really nice work on those flesh tones! Nice to see a deviation from the bronze/brass look as well - they feel more grounded somehow... beautiful work :-)

    1. Couldn't avoid red in the end but I'm glad I managed to give them a darker colour scheme than what we usually see. I wanted to go full black on them but I've been doing that a lot so don't want to be repeating myself. ^^
      Cheers mate.

  10. Absolutely beautiful dude! I've got all my shadespire stuff constructed, just waiting for a slot in my painting queue.

    1. Cheers mate, I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with those, they could use a darker treatment of yours !

  11. Brilliant skin tones I might add! Nice work.

    1. Thanks, That was the main focus on those models !
