
Thursday 10 August 2017

The lightbearers - Pilgrims and colonists

Now this feels odd. It's been a month I hadn't painted nor blogged anything, one month out, vanished. It wasn't exactly wasted of course but painting is a bit of a metronome for me so it felt weird getting back. Weird and pretty hard actually.
I've had the idea of this little group for quite a while but had always postponed them for more flamboyant projects or model required for games and events. But here they are.
I'll be honest right away, I didn't enjoy them much and although I do enjoy the overall group and think it's not too far from the initial idea, there are still some details I find unsatisfying but hey, done's better than perfect they say so here they are.

I somehow thought it would be easier to present those to you in coherent groups. The first group is made of 2 of the late 2nd ed  missionaries, they're both variants of one another but with a bit of converting you have 2 distinct roles with the leader on the right and his trusted bodyguard on the left.
There's little to say about Nelson sculpts other than they're always pleasant and "right". No time wasters, I like that.

Oddly enough (or annoyingly enough actually), there's a weird reflection in the leader's eyes that make him have a weird look. I should probably fix that before posting but right now I just want to get them out of the desk...

Qocis and Hamstat have known each other for a long time now, their first common memories dating back from the imperial orphanage they were raised in and where they were raised to repay their debt to the Imperium. Qocis' way with words and Hamstat's with fists have always made a formidable association.
Although Qocis is the official leader of the "lightbearers", his authority owes a lot to Hamstat's cold and silent authority and both keep that sweet balance between them.

At first, I sort of wanted to have as many models with a staff as I could get for this band but it quickly became stupid. Although an imperial psyker may not exactly be the first guy you'd assign to a band of pilgrims and colonists, I believe the practical use of a psyker for messages and other stuff must be of use. Maybe just to impress gullible masses...

Marcy Gore has spent more than his time on the battle fields, sending plasting waves of raw energy. When the authorities assigned him to escort and support the "lightbearers", this was a revelation. There could be more than war...
Obviously, mankind being what it is, his new assignment wasn't exactly paradise on earth. But it wasn't hell anymore...

Now here are the most recent models of the group, 2 of the Astropolis crew members from LAM's excellent kickstarter. I did want to make the "lightbearers" a group of something more than blunt zealots, they had to be a bit of that but also colonists, here to give faith, prospect for information on fringe worlds regarding technology and other cultural aspects. Hence came the idea of having 2 technicians in the crew. I imagine such a group has to be self sufficient to an extent.

And the last 2 are obviously the 2 most desperately orthodox of the group. The ones living by the book ALL THE TIME. I suppose they do have their good sides like that ability to accomplish the dullest tasks without asking a question. Qocis will usually assign recording and data storing to leave those with better people skills to the front. 

So that's it, a few models in the bank, just to get back into it. I hope the next ones won't be as painful. I have no big plans (which might be more depressing than liberating to me but that's another story) so I'll try and pick fast rewarding models to boost my confidence a bit.


  1. Those are really nice JB. I prefer them to some of your other recent projects that, based on the text above, you rate more highly.

    Those are just great.

    1. They're more average in terms of style for sure but It's more the painting process and few mistakes that maks me have second thoughts than anything really.
      Thanks. ;)

  2. These are marvellous JB. A wonderful selection, and as a 'getting back in the saddle' set you might be being a little harder on them than they warrant. I think they are really fab.

    1. Thanks, I'm still very pleased they're done and to have this project ticked on the list.

  3. Although the missionaries are sculpted by Brian Nelson.... ;)

    1. I stand corrected ! It's not the first time I make that mistake ! thanks. ;)

  4. I'm just gonna say wow!!! As Mr. S stated I think your being a bit hard on yourself as well. This is a top notch group full of character. ;)

    I'm anxiously awaiting Astropolis 2 to get back into the swing of things. ;)

    1. Still have those to get indeed ! So much work, so little time !
      Thanks bro !

  5. The whole group looks absolutely fantastic. Not only are they well painted, the color scheme is superb.

    1. Well thank you, at least some like them more than I do !

  6. I really enjoy the relatively tight colour palette you're using at the moment - something about that cream/red/dark grey/blue's extremely effective and extremely flexible.

    As for this bunch, they're an excellent group. I really do like the Astropolis figures (need to paint mine up). My favourite is the preacher with the bionic arm and eye-patch. His face is brilliant. Although I do wish a little bit that he didn't have a plasma gun - I think the sculpt would be more pleasing without it.

    1. I agree, he's nice but the plasma is OTT, that's why I gave him all the weapons and stuff to clearly assign roles. His face is excellent but that's Nelson (thanks Rebecca) for you !

  7. Nice group. The paint work is very good, even if you do not enjoy it much.

    And Qocis certainly seems to love explosives!

    1. Well you know, when words fail... ^^
      Thanks !

  8. Lovely job - agree with Axiom, the palette is great, they look ragtag but tie together. Nice one.

    1. That was what I was looking for, it's always a tricky balance to achieve I find.
      Cheers !

  9. I think they're great. The slightly faded colours and the off-white shade work really well.

    1. I'm using colours I'm familiar with a lot and they're a result of that really !
      Thanks !

  10. Man, I concur with the others. The colour choice is magnificent, you gave coherence to the whole group and they look awesome. I particularly like the paintjob on the Astropolis guys, really neat work.

    1. Thanks, they did "feel" different, they're not from a sculptor I'm used to so i'm eager to paint more and learn my way with them !
      Thanks amigo !

  11. Very nice indeed! Now all you need are some grunt level guys for this group to influence (those Bretonnian Grail Pilgrim models are pretty decent for this sort of thing and would fit the aesthetic pretty nicely.
    I have the model you chose as leader kicking around in my leadpile with plans to convert him into an Inquisitor- though thats been going on a few years now!

    1. This quite a good idea, I think those guys aren't easy to get but definitely worth looking !
      Thanks !

  12. A very nice group. Great painting on some cool minis.

  13. Great looking group mate, and I know what you mean about the trials of getting back in to a rhythm after taking s break! Worth it though - these guys are very cool :-)

    1. Cheers mate, it's all a matter of losing focus and getting back isn't it ?
      They'll do fine on a table anyway. ;)

  14. More exceptional work there, JB. Having had the pleasure of seeing your work first hand, I know mere photography doesn't do your skills justice. I love the way you combine smooth, sharp painting with the dust and grime of the far future. Very well chosen colour schemes too.

    1. Smoke and mirrors really ! I like playing with that balance between sharp and dirty.
      Thanks a lot !

  15. Some of my favourite GW miniatures in there! Love what you've done with them. All the little conversions work really well to tailor them to the group. I am a little concerned, though, that the data 'storage' guy is toting a massive flaming torch. A bit of a terminal filing system!

    1. I find that sub-optimal assignment fun !
      Thanks a lot !

  16. really...really impressive JB. The subtlety and style are a great is the obvious expert technique. You are quickly becoming my go to reference for how to paint lenses, and light effects...they are all fantastic.

    1. Thanks, honestly, I'm trying to use smoke and mirrors, I like cheap and effective techniques, I'll take shortcuts if they they gain more time than they lose quality. I used to hate painting lenses and gems until I found a way that suits me, same with many other effects I keep adding to my toolbox.
      Thanks a lot !

  17. You might not be a fan of these but I am. (And many others before me judging by comments left.)
    Small bits added and conversions made along with your tasty paintjobs and fun character descriptions has made them a lovely group.

    1. I like them, it's more about the process really. ^^
      I'll be more than happy to have them on a table doing Chaos knows what !
      Cheers !

  18. Just found your blog via Mordian 7th, and I'm glad I did. Your work it excellent!

    1. Well thank you ! I've just suscribed to yours !
