
Wednesday 2 August 2017

Shadow wars campaign at Warhammer World (with extra)

Last friday, just before attending the annual Oldhammer event BOYL, I had the pleasure to meet up with old friends in the halls of the Warhammer World for a Shadow wars campaign. 
A couple of us had prepared a campaign with a few special events and roles to make it even more enjoyable.
What a better way of starting 3 days of hobby orgy than a series of games with old friends !

My first game was on one of the best tables I've seen there, an industrial facility embedded into the cliffs of stone of a dark place.
My Bratt gangers would have to face Colin's radical inquisitor, Jon's Ratling inquisitorial force and Curis' mercs.
The Bratt had very special assignments from the planet governor so they teamed up with the inquisition for this game.

They split into 2 groups to corner the mercs into a difficult position.

Meanwhile, the ratling inquisitor and his retinue were reaching the heights of the facility to gain terrain superiority.

Colin's Inquisition force marched forwards as a single man.

While Curis' mercs decided to take the shortest path, climbing pipes to reach their objective.

Somehow trying to make up for their reduced height, the ratling quickly reached the upper levels.

The radicals spreading to avoid the threat from their rivals...

With the mercs moving on the west side, a group of the the combat specialist of the bratts decided to engage them before their could get any further.

The mercs walking their way on the pipes into the facility realising this might have been a dangerous path to take.

Which was confirmed when one of them was shot and slipped at the bottom of the rift...

The bratts did manage to make the mercs leave the western sector but they had to retreat earlier than planned, their side winning the day.

For the second game, the Bratts had to face the Sister of Battle led by Chris. Their actions in the previous battle migt have earned them the wrath of the inquisition... Good thing for them, they had gained the help of an imperial agent for this confrontation.
Adam, the sniper of the group, seconded by Ginge, took position to cover his companions.

The rest of the group would take a safest way to outflank the sisters and avoid their dreadful firepower.

The imperial agent, had assignements of her own and a power armour to help her in achieving it, she might be able to take a severe bite into the sister's force.

Out maneuvering the trained sisters was proving far more difficult than anticipated, they had already taken advantage of the terrain...

A game of hide and seek would lead nowhere, the bratts had to engage at all costs.

A miracle made the sister retreat back to where they came from, letting the bratts earn some peace despite the casualties...

For the last battle, the bratts had to face Colin's inquisitors again after the first battle. They would have to recover precious containers the planet governor didn't want to see fall into the wrong hand and even less into the imperial ones...

The bratts divided into 3 groups to get the containers as quickly as possible.

The most difficult container to retrieve was guarded by The facing Inquisitor and his whole retinue...

A couple of the imperial acolytes were moving towards the bratts to force them out...

While the Inquisitor and his most trusted servants were covering the area from a cover.

The Bratt picked the shortest way to the container which had ended up on the 1 storey of some ruined building nearby. Getting up there under the Imperial fire would be no mean feat.

The other gangers had no difficulty retrieving their objective.

Adam, who had managed to climb up and get the container, had to crawl back to safety but the opposition was too fierce, forcing them back to safety, losing the battle and earning the wrath of the Governor.

Well this little campaign of 3 games was fun and it was nice to get to upgrade the team a bit to see it develop and gain character ! It was also so very nice to meet up with old friends !
Before heading back to Nottingham for a few drinks, we decided to play an impromptu game of Gorechosen on one of the table in Bugman's bar.

I had never played the game but warmed up to it pretty rapidly !

4 of us entered the arena to determine who would be the GORECHOSEN !!!!!

The game was quick and very fun and although I was in the lead for most of the game, I ended up being beaten to pulp by Chris !

Warhammer World is a fantastic place I advise anyone to visit at least once.
Seeing fantastic models, tables, the museum and getting to share the urinal right next to Duncan Rhodes' in the toilets were some of the highlights of the day, right after getting to share some quality time with my hobby brothers !


  1. That wargaming table looks amazing, terrain and all!

  2. I didn't get chance to play on the Spyral Prime board - how did it compare to the tortured industrial pipework of Mining Facility 42? Both are brilliant tables visually, it's great to get to play on them.

    1. Very different since there aren't as many levels, so they're way more practical if a little more unforgiving due to the covers. they're really great tables both indeed.

  3. That looked like a lot of fun. Beautiful miniatures, played on amazing boards. I really should get myself down to Warhammer World someday.

    1. It was brilliant, I hope we can get to game on on of these some day who knows !

  4. I think I'm going to have to build an "Industrial Facility Embedded in Rock" table now. All of the games were visually perfect, but that table really grabbed me.

    1. It's flawed gaming wise, not exactly practical or anything, but damn it looks so good it makes up for every drawback really !

  5. Did Duncan apply two thin coats to the urinal or just splash it all over?

    1. I was looking at him in the eyes when shyness didn't prevent me from looking at him at all. ^^
      The mistery still goes on...

  6. Looked like fun games and your warband looked the business in that terrain!

    1. Well I'm a poor player to be honest so I'm down to luck but it was fun and add good friends and nice terrain and any game will be cool !

  7. Great photos JB.

    It sounds hyperbolic, but by the end of Friday, before we even got to BOYL, I felt that the weekend had been worth it after WHW.

    1. I know exactly what you mean and can totally relate to that feeling, we've reached a point where we can get past formalities and go straight to the fun parts, no warming up needed. That saves us a lot of time. ^^

  8. Wow, the pics are awesome and it looks like you certainly had a bit of fun :) Great, man.

  9. Replies
    1. It really is, not the most easy to play on but definitely a good looking one !

  10. Thanks for the game! It was a treat to play against your lovely Bratts.

    1. I was chuffed to bits for playing against your mercs but man, the rest of the WE made it even better !

  11. WHW was a blast! The tables were really cool to play on, it wasn't crowded and the company was most agreeable indeed :)

    I didn't get to play against a few of you guys, yourself included, so next time I'd love to pit my guys against your gang JB.

    Great write up, your very good at this Blogging stuff mate :)

    1. with so many players and so little time we were bound to miss some opponents but fighting alongside on the RT table was stupidly fun !

  12. Some fun games to follow there mate on a very beautiful table.

    I am hoping to make my first pilgrimage to WHW during my trip home next Summer.

    1. Well I sincerely hope to attend next summer as well as this time was so nice !
