
Saturday 19 August 2017

Ramshackle Oldhammer exclusives !

OK, so after painting Olivia a few days ago, I thought I'd finish all the models that I've got from previous BOYL events. Just as a reminder, BOYL (Bring Out Your Lead) is the Oldhammer event in Newark every summer to celebrate the joy of oldschool gaming.
One of the traditions now is to get a free model (sometimes 2) designed and produced specifically for the occasion because let's face it, nothing pleases us as getting new models !
Now last year and this one, Curtis from Ramshackle Games kindly sculpted and cast a special model given for free ! Curtis's enthusiasm and generosity are now legendary and the splendid table he built with Aidan from Warfactory is only a small proof of his worth.

Now the most appropriate thing to do with models offered this way is actually quite simple : paint them !
Now since those are sculpted by Curtis, I thought I'd try to change my painting to suit his own style. Of course, I couldn't do exactly like he would (I did undercoat my model for starters) but I hope the style fits with his very personal palette and style.

The old hammer bearer was the model offered for BOYL16 (Curtis kindly sent me some to give away during our french oldhammer events) and the pompous official was "Mayor Snakehand" of Helsreach during last BOYL.

I'm really glad to be able to display both of our freebies fully painted as a token of gratitude towards all those who spend time/money and energy to please others.

I do have one BOYL freebie to finish to complete the set and something quite special as well; you should read about it pretty soon !


  1. Excellent! Nice to see both of these painted up. A really characterful pair.

    1. They're a nice pair to have, can't get enough NPCs can you ?

  2. Yup, both Curtis and Aidan are champions of BOYL. Lovely paint jobs on them JB :)

  3. Ooooh, this is nice! Well, you may have adapted your technique, but your personal style is absolutely recognisable. Sweet job, mate.

  4. You've done a great job blasting these out! Yours is the first non-Curtis mayor I've seen! Always nice seeing other people paint it first as it gives something to refer back to when I'm trying to interpret the model.

    1. Jon has actually painted his version first IIRC. And he actually thought a very nice colour scheme which I therefore had to stay away... I actually had to keep clear of your own Old hammer bearer...
      You guys aren't helping much...

  5. High Fives dude, they look really nice - I ove that green cloak on MC Hammer!

    1. I have to say I was nicely surprised by how that green turned out, I think I'm going to used that method again.
      Cheers mate !

  6. JB...your work is getting monotonous in its excellence - you really are going to have to make a mess of things soon, just to keep it interesting.

    1. That's erm... something I'll work on... I promise.
      Thanks for your honesty. ^^

  7. Great figures, and you really have done them justice with some gloriously grimy paint jobs!

  8. Lovely minis. Your skin tones remind me of Frank Herbert's Dune.

    1. Thanks ! I did make them very pale and a bit sickly to represent the kind of unhealthy environment they might dwell in.
