
Saturday 18 March 2017

Sergent Trepas and acolyte

Alright, after a quick and silly group painting session, it was time to get back on my Inq28 painting challenge.
Since I've already built 6 of them (and am in progress on the 7th because even numbers look odd... well strange, you know what I mean), I just had to pick a couple I could do rapidly and here are the guys I picked.

With the inquisitor and bodyguard done, I could try and see how the henchmen would look. 
One of the very first bits I picked when selected parts to do this band was the skull with cap from the Ogryn set. I knew instantly I had to use it as is on top of a body and that's how Sergent Trepas was born.

Trepas has always been one zealous commissar. Not exactly renowned for his mental flexibility and brightness but surely one whose faith is undoubted. Trepas is the kind to consider question are the seeds of Heresy and the Words of the Emperor are to be followed withoutthinking too much about the interpretation.

Painting wise, I'm still digging the Blueshitsu path and am enjoying it. I've added orange a different way this time and I actually find the result looks a bit (in idea rather than quality) like what you'd expect from the Kouzes which although unintentionnal is not exactly unfortunate.

So that's 4 models in and 3 more to go so I should see the end of this rather soon. Time to get working on a few backburners... ^^


  1. Great job mate - that head works perfectly on the commissar, and the other chap's sword is pretty special! I'm loving the blue :-)

    1. Cheers mate, I think this grimdark business is all a matter of balance and this is my sweet spot. ^^

  2. Seriously impressive! A great use of bits, and some brilliant painting too!

    1. Thanks ! It's a bit hard to draw a line where OTT becomes ridiculous. It's fun process trying bits and finding that zone. ^^

  3. Oh hell yes. Yes To the skull face and peaked cap on Sgt Trepas, yes to the weird lookling glaive-sword and gas mask on the acolyte, yes to the vivid organge stripes on both! Yes!

    1. Well it's nice to see approval like this !
      3 more to go !

  4. JB these are so great! That skull face 😍

  5. Seriously amazing work. I think your painting style fits these models well.

    1. They're honestly proving to be far more enjoyable than I thought. Guess I'm getting used to plastics. ^^

  6. Coming on storng man.

    Love the group aesthetic!

    1. Cheers, I'm just finishing the 7th model (which might be my favourite actually) which makes 3 more to paint.
      They're a fun bunch to be working on.

  7. Funny - when those ogryn were released I thought the shoulder skull looked bloody silly. You've repurposed it rather well tho JB.
    I really like both of these. This team is packed with character and there's still 3 members to come!

    1. To be fair, it's the bit I immediately saw when opening the box and I have no idea how else it could be used in a way that I like... ^^

  8. Great additions to the existing two. I'm a fan of your use of colours.

    1. Thanks ! I think the others have potential as well... ^^'

  9. Replies
    1. I'm keeping the creepiest for the end... ^^

  10. Asslessman, your painting continues to awe me. I wish I had a thimbleful of your patience and skill. You give each miniature such a sense of personality. Just awesome work, my friend.

    1. I'm genuinely glad you like it since I find your own work a very good target to aim for in terms of readability and colour use.
      I'm honestly not that patient and just as skilled as th eother guy, however I do tend with years to focus on fast rewarding techniques. I do care about making most of my models unique so than you very much, it really is a great motivation to get such feedback !
