
Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Eldar space fleet in progress and some frills and fauna...

Back in December, some WIPsters and I vowed to go on a buying embargo. We've done that before and the idea is to basically stop buying and hoarding models  and to reduce the leadpile or at least stop its uncontrollable growth (saving a few coins in the process ideally).

I've already done that many times before and it's always gone pretty well bar a few mistakes. Not doing something is easier than doing things right ?
Well a couple days ago, I broke my vow and couldn't help getting a single piece for a few quid posted :

The sails from a shadowhunter, just that. I avoided beautiful kickstarters and many more cool models but I faltered because of a single piece. Now to be fully honest, I do plan on staying true to the rules of the embargo (meaning you can spend on hobby material but not on new models requiring paint). 
But I still find I did the right thing to buy this piece.

Why is that ?

Well it's triggered something pretty cool :

After sorting all the bits I had, I realised I had everything I needed to start this Eldar space force. Now I knew from the start my Eldar contingent wouldn't be anywhere near the Tyrannid or Imperial ones (nearing 1000 points each) but I did want to have a little force of them despite the fact only 2 models are available for them (well 3 but 2 really).

Using the body of a wraith ship, I was able to do a second Shadowhunter (a variant of some sort) and while I used parts of a 100pts ship to do a 50pts one, I still think it was the right choice.^^

Then came the tiring part involving pinning all those broken sails. I used 1mm wire to do that and it seems it was just the right size.

Then came the main course, I was short on sails but wanted to do something a little bigger though. With only 2 possible choice anyway, I needed something to stand from the rest of the fleet.
I took some 2mm wire and put it right in my dremel :

Files and sandpaper (with the wire rotating)...

Et voilà !

Added to the ship, I made it in line with the lower sail because I wanted something impressive. I also used the spare tail and reduced it to make the hull look more impressive.

Just had to trace the shape on some Pcard and glue it in place :

After some feedback from the WIPsters, I added a second sail at the back and it did make the ship far more impressive and regal as befits a flagship.

All the ships will require some putty work of course but I'm really glad to now have 7 complete ship I should be able to paint in little time.

On the very same day, I also got a very nice parcel. My Frills and Fauna kickstarter !

I do love that moment before opening to see the stuff in real !

I have plenty of critters now and I'll probably use a WE alone to nail all of them in one go. If you want to get some of those very nice sculpts, help yourself and check Krakon Game's store !
I have plenty of stuff going on on the table right now but I have some spare time at last again so things should get a bit more focused


  1. I'm very much looking forward to seeing these painted. I've had a fondness for those Spacefleet Eldar ships for decades! The flagship is excellent - the additional rear dorsal sail was well worth the effort.

    1. The putty work will be a challenge but I might learn from it so we'll see. ^^
      Glad you helped me overcome my natural lazyness. ^^

  2. Cool ships - stylistically the best out of the whole game in my humble opinion, and I love your flagship :-)

    1. Well the Eldar ships and the gothis imperial ones were the only ones designed specifically for the game and they were designed by... oh yes, Jes Goodwin ! No wonder if they stand from the rest !
      Cheers mate !

  3. Woot ! Eldar Space Fleet, what's note to love ?

    1. Just checked and it's only second to barbarian chicks riding dinosaurs with railguns.

    2. Just spluttered coffee all over the monitor after reading that comment and bursting into laughter.

    3. The management declines all responsability. ^^'

  4. Well, if all else fails and you look like your losing the space battle, you can just stab your opponent to death with the sails :D

    1. Way classier than flipping tables right ? ^^

  5. Added bonus from a naval wargamer: Wire masts are great at discouraging table leaners. If you ever have trouble with a ham fisted convention goer they might just discover that they should be careful where they drop their paws the hard way. I have on occasion wished I used wire to make my masts. All that said . . . truly lovely! Can't wait for the paint. :)

    1. I've sanded the ends so they're not too sharp but they'd definitely teach manners to uncoutious table leaners... ^^
      Thanks a lot, I have a few ideas painting wise and I'm eager to find out if they're as sound as I think they are. ^^

  6. C'est drôlement sympa tes trucs !! ^^

    J'aime bien le boulot effectué sur tes vaisseaux ^^

    Tiens au fait : si tu pouvais exprimer ton second choix de cadeau dans le Temple car le temps est venu pour toi ^^ :


  7. Brilliant work on those conversions. I can't wait to see them painted!

    1. Thanks, I'll have to push a bit of putty on those and I have a colour scheme in mind that ill require advice from more skilled people than, if all goes according to the plan, they could end up being pretty nice. ^^

  8. That's freakin' awesome, JB! Wow, I'm really looking forward to seeing these painted!

    1. how good would it be to have them facing your ork fleet ? ^^

  9. Spacefleet was never much my thing. Should be considering how much I like naval games in general.

    Those critters look really interesting! Eager to see what you make of them mate.

    1. Not a fan of naval games but thus one really was fun fir my teen self.
      I'll probably do one big critter session when I have the time.
