
Sunday 26 June 2016

HE IS THE LAW ! - Champions of Law Season 2

As always, the champions of Law are my happy modelling place and though I'm not working as quickly on this 2nd seasonas with the previous one, I have many ideas of things that motivate me.
Amongst many ideas suggested to me, there was one whih always was a bit obvious : the link with Judge Dredd.
Just what other character apart from Dredd can you think of as an embodiment of Law it self ?

From the start though, I knew I didn't wish to port Dredd directly to WHFB but wanted something a bit more like a heavy wink elbow push. The model has to keep the usual style of the Champions of Law.
That's why I started with a good ol' Goodwin chaos warrior which had a fitting pose.

Dredd's design is remarkably complicated compared to many other super heroes and I guess he must be a torture to draw but this is also what makes him recognisable amongst all others. To name a few distinct features : The eagle, the shoulder pads, the chain from the zipper to his badge, his boots, his grin...
Trying to get too much of these on my model would have just make me end up with a Dredd model painted gold. so I selected a few of those iconic details just to clearly state what he's meant to be without breaking the balance. I'll let you guess what those features are. ;)

Weapons wise, I wanted to make a nod to the Lawgiver and Dredd's most reliable weapon : his fist. So here we have Wagner, Champion of Law (or Law itself as he seems to believe).

I won't bore you with the painting recipe for this guy since I already explained it earlier HERE. I have a few things for the champions of Law I'd like to have done before summer holidays are here so fingers crossed !
Next week will be a little peculiar painting wise but you'll read more about it in little time ;)

Come on guys, I can feel there is some scum out there waiting to get a taste of the fist of Law !


  1. Haha that's just brilliant. I love Dredd comics (who does not ?) and your conversion is really top notch. Brutal looking and the reference strikes you at first glance.
    Must say on a very personal note, i feel like he is lacking a bot of its classic colours. I always love to imagine characters going the wrong universe because they just met a silly portal ^^

    1. It was a choice not to make him Dredd dressed as a savage as I feel it wouldn't have suited the character (he'd die rather than wear the wrong uniform) but space portals would be arranged so that Wagner here and the Real Dredd meet to fight scum. Definitely my kind of games !
      Cheers mec !

  2. "Gaze into the fist of LAW!"

    1. I wan't wait to get him on a tabletop, the punchlines would keep coming every second !

  3. An addition to the Champions that has a special place in my affections.

    Bravo for the restraint shown. A navy, green, gold, yellow etc fantasy Dredd would have been too much. That models inspiration is immediately obvious to anybody paying attention as is.

    Love it.

    1. Someone just suggested a crossover with Wagner and Dredd fighting scum next to each other, I have to say the prospect of having them fight each other for 90% of the time (Cf Batman or Johny Alpha) to then fight alongside one another is arousing...

  4. Great conversion, Always loved Dredd.

    1. Cheers, one of my fave characters as well. ;)

  5. Haw haw haw!!! Brilliant! This is so awesome at so many levels! :D
    Now what about a Mega Village I? :P

    1. The problem with that concept is all th edoors it opens really !

      Cheers amigo !

  6. Grud on a greenie! I'm constantly awed by your builds.

  7. Very nicely done mate - instantly recognisable, but without beating the viewer in the face with it. A fine line, successfully walked ;-)

    1. That was the intent so I'm glad you find it works this way. Cheers !

  8. Fine job :) Maybe the painted black visor seem too modern for the fantasy version. But without it he could lose the dredd look.

    1. Agreed, I also considered painting it a gowing blue like the rest of the band but that would have make it look like a cyborg imo.
      Thanks !

  9. Wonderful stuff - very evocative of the character without being a straight up conversion.

    1. That's all I wanted to achieve so thanks a lot !

  10. A cracking conversion! Laugh out loud stuff.

    1. I cannot imagine all the opportunities for punchlines and sillyness with this guy. Can't wait to play him !

  11. Brilliant look, got Dredd to a "T"

  12. Wow, that would make an excellent Dredd crossover story now you need a fantasy Mean Machine :D great work JB

    1. I'm a fan of the crossovers with Batman, Johny Alpha or others so this one could be awesome really !

  13. Wow, Dredd jumped into fantasy ! And it' a massive landing ! It only seems fit for him to take his rightful place in your warband, as The Law. I love the conversion. The pose suits the character very well and the conversion is, as always, simple yet brilliant !
    No sword for this guy ?

    1. Can't think of any sword that would be more powerful and efficient than Dredd's fist really ^^'

      Cheers mec !

  14. Heh, too clever! A brilliant idea, and very well executed. I love that he's instantly recognisable even with an entirely different colour scheme.

    1. I'm glad he's just at the right point between 2000AD and WHFB. Thanks a lot!

  15. Replies
    1. Thanks, easy and lazy but efficient enough I suppose. ^^'

  16. Those old CW minis are really great for conversion work. I think it was Michael Imming that converted one into a 40K version way back in "The Compendium"? Don't see many of them done though....probably has something to do with having a massive list of other conversions to get done first!

    Great job buddy :)

    1. Cheers Bud, Goodwin CWs are never disapointing, converting that dude was fairly easy really, not much resculpting implied.

  17. Superb! Some interesting conversion ideas suggest themselves ...

    1. Where they lead is the real matter actually ! ^^
      Cheers James.

  18. That's a smashing homage mate. Love the pose and helmet swap - very much Dredd, in the Realms of... Law.

    1. Cross overs are part of the fun of comic books right ?
      Really looking forward to playing him !

  19. That is some damn tidy work there. The ᛋ ᛋ lightning strike reflections on the visor... zarjaz!

    1. Cheers Zhu, nothing too complicated on this one but after hesitating painting the visor glowing blue, I understood there was but one way to do it right !

  20. Brilliant work; that mini is something I immediately want to make an exact copy of myself, the urge is strong!

    1. Go ahead ! It's quite a simple one really !

  21. I love the metallic copperish browns you achieved here. And thanks for sharing you recipe in an earlier post.

    1. Thanks, since the colour is predominent, I needed something rich si I opted for a red gold rather than a white one. It catches light perfectly which makes it vert effective for the small time investment.
      Thanks !
